Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

The season of joyous celebrations are here again. Whether it is Hanukah, Christmas or Kwanza, it is a time of family, friends, communing with nature and feeling the magic of it all. Delicious foods are  prepared, gifts are wrapped, homes are adorned with warm cosy decorations and musical cheer is spread through out the lands. It is a time of remembrance and a time of faith to unfold and ring in the New year. There is always a balance between hardship  and good times that we all face on a daily basis. This season is there to remind us of a vindication from ill times, troubled minds and sorrowful states with the promise of hope, love and faith regardless from where and which religion these teachings originate. 

In our hearts we have the long list of "things" that we write to our minds that we want or desire, our own personal " Dear Santa..." Yet what we really want within our hearts is peace, happiness, stability and most of all, love. Everything else that comes additionally to these ideals, is simply icing on a very elaborate cake, made with a host of unhealthy mental ingredients. The fictional letter we write in our hearts outlines our deepest desires and longing for a clearer and positive  vision for our futures. However why does this get transplanted with a materialistic filled list of personal possessions? It is the ego that jumps in at the opportunity to write this letter for You, and You then take a back step to your own center stage and watch the runaway production of your life unfold. In my humble opinion, take it back. Polish your own writing skills of your heart and take note of what you really desire. Allow the spirit of the season harness your unmet wants of love with compassion, your bitterness with forgiveness, your disappointments with faith. 

Together you can then forge a better future for yourself once your letter decisively reads " Dear Santa.. I choose to love" or " Dear Santa..I invite hope into my life" or " Dear Santa.. I am compassion"  or " Dear Santa.... I am joy." A change in tone of the letter is sometimes all it takes to make the difference in experiencing the holidays or having a holiday experience. It is with the leap of faith in not just the universe but moreover within yourself that you activate the essence of this magical season that is all around you. Once you understand this ability, you can use it at any time, knowing then truly that this season is all year round within you. Each religion that celebrates around this time has a symbolism of a candle burning. This is to reiterate to everyone that the light of love, faith and compassion shines bright and without borders of race, religion, age or gender. 

I hope that your reply to your letter comes swiftly and reads ".....may all dreams come true, love Santa"

Wishing you all a very happy and blessed holiday season !!

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