Monday, December 31, 2012

Clarity of choice

The New Year has arrived. 2013. Did you think we all would have made it even this far? The world was supposed to have ended several times before this. 2000, 2010, then  2011 and then finally 2012. Cults, religious groups, ancient civilizations all predicting the End, but here we still are. We made a choice. A choice to continue to survive and carve out a little piece of life and exist. 

I have been talking to and observing  one of my greatest teachers, my son. He is almost 18 months and is very involved with his choices, without regret or remorse and does so with great conviction and determination. I am sure that it is simply a part of the developmental milestones and that we have all gone through them, yet I cannot pause and wonder where along the way did I ( and we) develop the hesitation in certain choices, that  led to doubt, fear or even apprehension that swayed my course of choices through out my life. 

From morning till night, my son makes choices. I can see the "wheels of his mind" turning. He makes these committed choices, without any fear of reprisal  or worry of the consequences. Of course he like all of us, learns quickly the ramifications of shall we say "not well thought out" choices such as touching a hot mug, or a sharp object, but it does not prevent him from daring to undergo the initial exploration. Whether it is to understand how to put the cap onto a pen, put a charging wire through a hole in the side of my table, or connecting the vacuum hose to the outlet or simply turning on the water faucet and see how water can be manipulated, he does it all. Fearlessly. 

We all did these things too but at what point did we start hesitating to make a choice without the thought of fear. I think it is when we stepped out of the moment. As long as we stay in the moment there is no time for doubtful thoughts to change our minds, and so we just be and just do. The pure thought is there, it comes to the surface, and then words or actions take over, if we are focussed enough to make the decision and not let preconceived notions alter our course. This is how free thinking people and innovators function. They are in the moment. Metaphorically speaking we can take a page out of every child's book, and awaken the child within, and allow ourselves to be  in the moment to allow our instincts and impulses to be guided by the moment and create that choice. It is in our DNA, our blueprint, to make choices. If you do not believe it, just observe a little child doing anything. They usually are free and happy making choices and thereby creating. I think the freedom of choice is one of our greatest gifts and assets, and no one can take it away. In some instances it may be perceived as being taken away but we are in fact giving that choice away and so that too is a choice. Free will.

I am not suggesting that by being "impulsive" we are making the right or wrong  choice, since no choice is either right or wrong until you put it into a context or judge it. The choice or the act of choosing is always pure as it must come from a place of spirit. If we "choose " to live in the present moment, as the past cannot be altered and the future is not here yet, we can allow and let go at the same time the very strings that will hold us back from making the "right" choice. 

Clear thoughts, clear feelings, clearer understanding. Hope this year is not full of regrets of the past choices and being in this very moment allows you the clarity of choice. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thankfully the world did not end

December 21, 2012. Its here. The day many have waited for with baited breath, some with anxiety, and some with gross indifference. But like all days it begins, it has a middle, and it has an end. Such is the same with life. This day is an important one no doubt. It is the time when the earth lines up with its galactic core, when the rest of the solar system planets line up with the earth. It happens only once every 25920 years. Today is it. NASA is worried about increase in solar flares, as the sun rises to higher peaks of activity with more solar storms. Engineers may worry that with the shift in earth's polarity and axis, changes in electromagnetic shield, the world will be technologically handicapped. Pessimists worry that it is the end of the world with escalating natural disasters of earth quakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, super storms and volcanic eruptions. Others worry it is time for global domination by various hidden powers. Yet others will find reasons to believe that world markets, economies, and resources will collapse. However others affirm that this is a time for change. Good change, Necessary change.
The world is so overburdened with negativity that an eventual reset is bound to happen. The earth is shifting and tilting on its axis, but have you tilted on your axis and felt fine. Probably not, but yet you get through it.The earth will too. Time for a change is here and now. A time for quiet reflection on where you have been and reassessment of where you are going will help you recenter to where you really are, in this moment. The earth is going through heavy tumultuous upheavels, but it has to in order to get into alignment with itself and its inhabitants, and the rest of the universe. WE are out of sync with our own planet, with each other and most of all with ourselves.  Change is going to happen, and it is happening. It is how we deal with the change that is key, as is what we make that change to be. Do we change for the better or for the worse? Do we choose to make a difference or let that choice be made by others and remain indifferent?
As the earth vibrates to its new frequency, so too should we take the opportunity to be in silent meditation and tune our frequency to vibrate to the new harmonics of the earth. Get to a new equilibrium and new balance. After all everything is all about just that, balance. When we are agitated we are out of  balance with our thoughts, when we are sad  we are out of sync with harmony, when we are angry we are out of sync with our inner peace.  In the end we are constantly vibrating, since we are all particles( some more complex than others) but we are all made of out of the same stellar material. Everything around us namely earth, sky, water, air and the creatures in all the kingdoms,  all vibrate at a certain frequency too.  And so we and the planet vibrate together, co-creating.
We can either live in fear or live in love. This is your choice to pick which dimension of your vibrational balance do you want to explore. The day started off with pouring rain, dark stormy clouds and blistering winds, and then suddenly it changed to clear blue skies, filled with sunshine, and gentle breezes. Change comes quickly, but how fast are we at adapting is the key. We can let the endless guilt, past misgivings, baseless fears of the future  anchor us in this moment or we can be set free by bringing into our lives sincere forgiveness, gratitude and compassion.
The Mayan calender predicted the end of the world. or did we interpret it that way. I  think that they predicted that as with all change some will embrace it and most will not. Those who embrace the good change will evolve and attain enlightenment, those that do not will continue their ways and perish. Sounds doomsday-ish doesnt it ?? But like we sometimes believe we are in a prison or at your ropes end, we are that way as we choose to build our own prisons and hang ourselves with the negativity that we dwell in. I encourage you to listen and really listen to your mind, body, spirit and inner consciousness and bring forth that light of evolution, wisdom and beauty. Allow your entire being  including your heart, bones, every cell and DNA fragment come together and vibrate in unison. Thankfully the world did not end, and this day gives us another chance at making the right choice.
How tilted is your axis today?

Sleigh Rides at Christmas

Here I am in bed, whining about a cold and fever, feeling sorry for myself that I am coughing, sniffling, and feeling wiped out, when I look through  the blinds and I see a beautiful bright day outside. No clouds, sun shining, children playing outside. My mind started wandering (as it usually does) and I started to remember the season of christmas again. Not that you can forget as you hear the same christmas songs over and over again on the radio, and all the christmas specials advertisements on the TV or in the stores. You are barraged by the reminders that christmas is here, but do you real FEEL the season spirit, or are you too caught up with gift buying, wrapping and giving, (or returning !! ) or getting organized for the christmas meal with family members?  So intent on not losing the opportunity of getting into the mode of the holiday experience, I turned on the christmas CD on the CD player,  and got busy with cleaning and clearing the kitchen when my attention caught the tune of the song " Sleigh Ride. " This was a light orchestral piece that was first composed by Leroy Anderson in 1946-1948, then first recorded by Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra in 1949. In any case, it got me thinking, that in all the years i have celebrated Christmas, I have never actually been in a sleigh or even had a ride in one !!

It is said that "time and tide wait for no man" . Regardless of the happy times, the sad times, natural or man made successes or calamities, or plans that we make, if we do not act on them we lose that opportunity. The chance at that special unique job, the chance of a glimpse of a miracle, the chance of saying to to someone " I love you", there are innumerable chances that are available to us, and rarely do they come back. Time takes them away. Time is a cold unforgiving entity that robs us all of youth, splendor, and chances, well thats one way of looking at it. The other is that it brings forth at the right moment the right opportunity to the right place, but are we open to accept it. 

Christmas is a wonderful and magical time where miracles do happen. It is the perfect TIME to bring into your heart the warmth, the forgiveness, the blessings and allow healing and restoration that we all so desperately  seek. On Christmas day, step outside ( bundled up in something warm or with someone warmer !) and for a few minutes, just be in the moment, without thought, or talking and take it all in. The snow, the air, the light, the stillness, and let your heart, mind and soul get synced to something far greater than any one of us or thing. The Divine Spirit. After all is it not from this Divine Consciousness that the season of christmas  has sprung, giving bountiful food, love, beauty, peace to all that are willing to accept the gift. Not every gift has to be wrapped in a box with a bow or ribbon,  some gifts are unwrapped and waiting for you to embrace them.  Forgiveness, love, understanding, acceptance, gratitude and patience are all some of the gifts that await us all regardless of religious faith, social status, creed, color of skin or gender. 

I am not letting time take away from me this years opportunity for a sleigh ride. I will look for one locally or perhaps Santa would not mind a quick joy ride on his fantastic hot rod vehicle on Christmas Eve. 

" Come on it is a lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you.."

From all parts of me, heart, mind and spirit, and consciousness, I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and a Joyous New Year, and may this holiday season bring you peaceful clarity. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sickness Begone

So came home Friday afternoon, having felt fine for most of the day. Sat down on the couch thinking lets just spend a few minutes here. Then it hit me. The sudden chills, shakes, the uncontrollable rigors, I scrambled to get warm socks, and a sweater, but became dizzy, light headed and dropped to the floor. Picked my self up and hobbled to the bed, where I then proceeded to spend the next 3 days. The fevers of 103 F alternating with the sharp drops of temperature to ice-cold  hands and feet, with  beads  of sweat rolling off my shiny forehead. Changing clothes  from being drenched in them from the fevers and chills, came with increasing frequency. Oh darn ( with a lot more expletives) this is going to ruin my weekend I thought. Tylenol every 4 hours chased down with the Advil every 4 hours helped me from the transient hallucinations or rather the illusions that the room was expanding and contracting at the same time. Then started the incessant coughing. Knife pick through the back was preferable, accompanied only by the feeling like your hollow chest was made of glass, and some maniacal creature was tapping away at it with a metallic hammer. Just shatter it and be done with it, I begged. Enough gloom and doom, you have all been here, and done that, and lived. Granted I had not taken a sick day in years or been this sick in a long time, but no one is immune to the flu like illness, so I slithered through the next few days till I was sick of being sick and so decided to get better. Does the infection just decide to leave your body or do you decide that enough is enough infection and sickness begone?

So often we know that it is mind over matter, well if you don't  mind it doesn't matter, probably what the sickness  feels too, as it happily  inhabits your body. Thoughts are the most powerful things in the universe. Thoughts, lead to words, which lead to action or deeds. The trilogy of creation. So my next thought was that I am going to heal myself. So 2 and half days later of self pity, being an invalid and being waited hand and foot by my lovely attentive wife ( who was juggling our 17 month old and keeping the house in order at the same time) and by parents who miraculously just at the right time arrived to lend a double pair of helping hands, I said enough is enough. I willfully thought to my self that " I am going to be healed and goto work tomorrow in good condition and get out of bed. " I then spoke it aloud. Then I walked over to the shower got in and blasted myself with warm water. Now I am not going into details of my showering or bathing habits, but will leave you with the idea that I took the loofa lathered it up with soap and scrubbed and scrubbed. I envisioned that through all the pores of my body I was ejecting out the sickness, the infection, evicting it from its temporary vacation home. As I scrubbed, rubbed, I said aloud "sickness you are leaving me good bye and kindly don't come back."  Again thought, word and deed.  On completing this endeavor, I got dry and dressed and proceeded to eat and drink. Focussing my thoughts now on getting back on schedule with chores or things to do, I made my list. The body was too weak to do anything much but the thoughts were enough to be distracting from bed ridden  illness to wholesomeness and good health. I then thanked the life and the universe for giving me this opportunity of  being sick, as had it not happened how do you appreciate or fathom what is good health. For everything there is an opposite. Left and right, up and down, good and bad, love and fear. Without knowing the other how will you ever conceive of the other option. 

It is quite the picture of illness possessing an individual. The patient lying in bed, with drawn up blankets, the pajamas, the socks, and wrapped in the old woolen sweater. The curtains closed. At the bed table, a semi functioning thermometer , a potpourri of bottles including Vicks vapor rub, bottle of analgesics, a glass of water, and a heralding box of tissues. Perhaps a vapor mist blower if you are lucky. The patient with swollen eyes and the red nose from  constant blowing, would make even Rudolf the reindeer jealous. The apathetic spaced out glazed appearance is the vision that comes to my mind when I hear any one being sick. And so my thought of this image, made it so. Looking around me I was exactly that picture. So determined to change this stereotype I moved all the accessories of illness, sanitized the table, dusted off the blankets and folded them away ( to be washed separately). I adorned fresh clean clothes, and then monitored my inner outlook. Low and behold I was feeling better. Not strong enough to do laundry and clean the house, but better. My mind was clearer, the fog was dissipating, and I actually genuinely felt good health and strength returning back to the body. 

The moment the fall season starts coming in, with the promise of bad winter by the farmers' almanacs  every pharmacy and health institution commences the proclamation that "flu vaccine are now available." Then starts the mass consumption of Vit C, zinc, echinacea and vast array of herbal supplements. Everyone has the answer how to fend off the cold or the flu, including the CDC with their gamble of the flu shot hoping and praying they got the strain rightly picked this year. Then there is the rumors of friends and coworkers falling sick, with similar  images as described earlier springing to mind. The thoughts of " I hope I don't fall sick too" running through our subconscious ALL the time. In a group in conversation it pops out too, " Hope I don't get what he got, that was nasty, he was in bed for a week !" Then you try extra hard to use hand sanitizers, keep cleaning your desk at work, trying to "stay away" from anyone with a sniffle  all this while forgetting that elevator buttons and door handles and public phones everywhere are your more likely source of spread of infection. The more you are running away from the ill health the more you are in fact embracing it. Perchance you do get the slightest of  colds, the thoughts are immediately towards I am going to be really sick and it will probably last longer than Fred's cold, or Lucy's flu. And then it begins Are you being fair in giving yourself a fighting chance at all for your immune system to mount any response? By all these interactions, it starts thoughts, words, and deeds, and the sickness meets you and joins the party and becomes the unwanted squatter, still you decide " sickness begone."

Keeping your thoughts good and clean, pure and simple can be your best deterrent and your best antiseptic. High frequency vibrations lead to higher energies leading to higher thoughts, words and boosting actions.  Your thoughts are the creative force of the universe,bringing forth everything you want,  hope, dream or desire into existence. Why would you think it can do anything less than the best for you, its creator. 

Perhaps marketing a "thought sanitizer " instead of the fragrant  hand sanitizers would be more valuable in keeping us healthy. Enjoy being germ free !!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Oh no, not more Bad News !!

NEWS: North East West South

 Everytime I turn on the television to watch the news, or open the internet news pages, or even tune into the radio, its bad news coming in from all directions. Open the newspaper or any of the Newsweek or Time magazines, its bad news. Murder, destruction, death, poverty, failure, natural disasters, doom and gloom of economies and markets are the cover stories. Is this what the world is saturated with or is this just the minority of news out there? It is always known that the sensational news stories such as divorces or the problems of  troubled celebrities like drug, alcohol addictions or DMV violations and arrests, grab the attention of the tabloids, including the trivial matters of which celebrity has gained weight or become anorexic. But are these stories news worthy or are they only printed or reported on because we indulge ourselves into the misery of others.Why are we so concerned about the lives of others yet if the same issues befall us, we wallow in the woes that we are in, but do not bat an eye lid if it happens to someone else. Another example is that is if a friend loses their expensive watch we do not feel compassion, yet if it happens to us, we are quite preturbed.

The news media in all its forms- TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, internet, or digital news on mobile devices, is capitalizing on the misfortune of others, and so perpetuating the negative energies, since we will also keep thinking and talking about these same news stories. But to what end I ask? I wonder if good news stories were the normal state of reporting will we help perpetuate more good news in the world by spreading good higher frequency vibrations through our thoughts, words and deeds. Perhaps there is more good news out there than we are being led to believe, and the world is not such a bad place as we may perceive it to be. If we are not inundated with bad news, we can open our eyes to better choices, options and hope, and not that the choices are out of our hands and that there are no options and in turn no hope, as the news machine enjoys to churn out.

I throw this out there. Would you be happier reading actual real stories of hungry children that are getting food for a whole year from selfless acts of kindness, people helping the poverty stricken who are in need, more shelters that are being created, schools that are gunfree and safe, communities opening their doors to people of all race, creed and religion? or would you rather read stories of increasing crime, government spending cuts, increasing national debt, corruption by CEOs and celebrities who have lost their fortunes and arrested for drunk beahaviors?  Which will bring us more joy and peace and encouragement? Unfortunately if it is the misery stories then perhaps you need to relook at your own lives and values and see what is missing to the point that misery makes us happy or is it that we are content that someone else who was once fortunate is now in "our" state and can feel our pain? Are you feeling less fortunate for some rason?

We put celebrities ( actors, sports players, singers, polititians, entertainers etc) up on pedestals and adore them, only to be overjoyed that life can throw them off. I am sure this was the case even in antiquity in the most ancient of civilizations, and perhaps their news stories were similar albeit in cuneiform or hieroglyphics and on stone tablets! I can see it now "Glorious kings and gladiators all brought done to their knees, off with their heads ha ha what fun ! bad news indeed, read all about it reported only on the tablets of the Acropolis Special !!"

I would like to try an experiment if I may. I would ask that all the readers each spend at least 10 minutes a day looking for good news. Once found, monitor how you feel about it, and spread that piece of good news to 5 friends or family members. Each day spend an additional 2 minutes to this exercise. At the end of the month see how much time you are actually spending looking for good news, and how much less time you are spending reading or listening to bad news through media  ( social or otherwise) or idol gossip. Then also note how you are feeling at the end of this month. Do thoughts and words of happiness, joy, encouragement and good will towards others flow through you freely?  Kindly do not tell me you have NO time for this exercise, since if you monitor your thoughts and choices from moment to moment you will find that you will gain the time from less  indulgment of bad news effortlessly.

 I can see and hear the paper boy running down the street waving newspapers in his hands shouting"  Newspaper, Newspaper, Good times and news coming your way, read all about it !"

Monday, December 10, 2012

Building a Mountain

Building a Mountain.

So often we all get caught up with world events and our own busy lives, and we go on day after day with stressful encounters, either with family, friends or coworkers or with stressful activities, running from activity to activity. We lack the sleep, the appropriate amount of exercise, the correct well balanced food, and finally one day our systems just run out of gas. Too tired, too anxious or simply too fed up and frustrated, we give in. We have not had the chance to process our moment to moment stimulus that come at us in all shapes and forms and from all different directions. We carry each decision forward to the next one, sometimes processing the ideas  correctly and sometimes just flowing without truly understanding all implications of the decisions we make. We become automatons. Before you know it life has passed you by and the endless lists of things to do, places to go to visit, forgotten books to read, old friends to meet, infinite chores to be completed become just that, a thing of the past, a lost moment. You will always lose 100% of the opportunities that you do not take. 
We build barriers around ourselves to protect us from the additional strains and stresses of dealing with other life scenarios, instead of embracing them as events occurring on a stage, and realizing that we have total control of the choices we make. Every stone or rock takes time to layer up and eventually the rock pile becomes high enough to become a mountain. High enough of a mountain that eventually you cannot see the top, nor can you see over it. Trying to climb to the top then becomes an impossibility and you stay in the gorge or chasm ( depending on how big your mountain is !)  because it is less energy expenditure to climb out of it. You die without your dreams ever being fulfilled. Each painful encounter taken in fear, each tug in a non flowing direction ends up becoming the rock, no matter how small it starts of, it does add up with a cumulative effect and  the mountain is of our own creation. We make it as big as we choose to make it.
Some people recognize this concept earlier than others and devise ways of reducing the size of their mountain, reducing the stress and the tugs of mind, body and spirit. You too can live a happier life by not allowing this mountain to grow, and becoming your obstacle. Work or the amount of it, whether being at a job or at home, is not the cause of the rock formation, it is simply a conduit. It is the "reaction" to the work in its form that causes us to start the barrier placement, through apprehension, fears of what others say or will say, permutations and combinations of outcomes, and  the numerous imaginable scenarios that we come up with are the culprits. If we stay on target, on focus, and in the moment we find that all these "distractors" be they people, encounters or events, are all on the stage of life around us. We are the ones who must direct them in this grand drama, coupled with the orchestral music of our souls enabling the final show to be a standing ovation and not a dull applause. 

You have almost certainly heard the phrase "having faith that can move mountains." Well you can either use that faith and move the mountain or shrink it or you can learn to climb. Become a mountaineer and traverse the surface of this mountain. Its yours, you built it, you own it, so reshape it. Imagine the wonders that lie on the other side of the ridge tops. Amazing blue oceans of opportunities, majestic sunrises or sunsets of good times with the family, fertile green fields of career building are just examples of sights and sounds that await you on the other side. 

I have always thought that life's obstacles are challenges to be overcome and not obstacles to be avoided, but like everyone I falter and allow the obstacles to take root and become my mountain. It is only through walking on this rough terrain that we learn a better way. The mountain is the obstacle, the rocks are the stresses, the stones and pebbles are the doubts and the gravel is the fear that holds them all together. Understanding the root of the problem, understanding the source of your mountain, namely the fear, is the key that will also set you free. Send out love instead of fear, send out gratitude instead of doubt and your new shovel gains strength. Soon your mind and consciousness takes flight and your soul soars above your mountain.

Chip, chip, chip !! Are you chipping away at your mountain yet? What is over your ridge top?   

Saturday, December 8, 2012

All Hallows Eve

An exciting festivity enjoyed by all, with  a very interesting history. The significance of it has been an ancient and pagan root, with religious influences mostly through restrictions of pagan practices. It comprises of festivities for departed souls and remembering loved ones, but also the day that the dead can return to their homes. Of course  like most days of remembrance and celebration there is the dark side in which it is believed that you should dress up into something scary or light Jack o lanterns with scary carved faces so the evil does not recognize you.  Then the fun continues with the customary "trick or treat" parading around the neighborhoods, and perhaps followed  by traditional Halloween games such as the apple bobbing or divination. Elaborate household  decorations and efforts go into making this day a fun time for adults and children. The adults have their evening dress up costume parties  that usually end up being  good fun social occasions. 

I partake in this event with full gusto, dawning my outfit, setting up my wireless speakers to the sound system to play loud haunting music,  getting the bowl full of assorted candy and be at the ready for the welcome of the large numbers of children that will come to my door to receive free sugary delights. And so they come. Group after group they ring the door bell, and announce " trick or treat !"  Give them a treat quick lest they do the trick and be mischievous or so the tradition dictates. So I hand out candy or rather the eager munchkins dive into the bowl and take out fistfuls of candy and drop them into their bulging bags of storage, and off the next house they go. I have to admit I enjoy observing the clever outfits, except this year where most of the boys were some version of spiderman and the girls were princesses. Not much originality, but there were the exceptions like the "chick magnet" boy with the chicks attached to a magnet round his neck as he wore a nerdy looking outfit underneath, or the brother and sister who were dressed as the " two peas in the pod." But regardless it was simple fun, but the wheels of the mind were turning.....

As the giver, you may or may not dress up and just give out sweets. As the recipient you take the   high fructose offerings and you then consume all of it if your parents let you. Or simply you just dress up in scary or not so scary disguises. Which mask are we hiding behind? The one that we wear once on this mystical night or the one that we wear daily and roam around in in broad daylight? Additionally who are we hiding from? Dare I say ourselves instead of the ghouls and ghosts roaming on All Hallows Eve? 

I have often wondered if it is the Ego that we fear, and so elaborate masks and costumes of the personna are worn to hide our fear which also hide our true Self from our ego and the egos of others. I am not referring to the clothing styles people wear, either too gaudy, or too scanty, or too covered up, depending on the fashion trends of the day or in fact on the moods of the individual. Clothing is only the outer costume on top of the inner costume that we wear. In the end we have to relinquish our body, our mind, and the ego. So the soul, the true self discards its many masks and outfits  and then reveals itself in all its glory. So why do we not portray this inner self, this genuine good individual freely without reservation and without pretense. Let the true nature shine with integrity and ingenuity with carefree wonder, and so not have to beholden to the constant give and take like the transaction of confectionary. 

So the next time you start thinking of what you are going to dress up on Halloween or even simply on a daily basis, why don't you then compare that idea to what you know of yourself and then see who do you wish to portray. And also which part of YOU do you want to reveal. Or will you simply hide behind the ever meddlesome ego and wear the mask and costume it commands you to wear. 

Happy Haunting of your good spirit on Halloween !!

Who to vote for?

In this recent election, both parties fought hard to win your vote. Each side spinning their stories, their prowess and their abilities. Each side flung dirt on the other trying to highlight the opposite teams lack of effectiveness, their inadequacies and their apathies. Both attempted tirelessly to win the heart and minds ( and votes) of the citizens with promises of better reform, better quality of life, more financial or health incentives, better domestic and foreign policies. Unfortunately, neither side can deliver any or all of the promises and expectations of change that is so much needed at the moment.  
We all are always hopeful that our government will provide the change that we seek. Regardless of nation, we surrender our choice for change to others, either to our local statesmen or to those at higher levels of government. But why do we do this ? Are we fearful that we have no control of our destiny, our future, our lives.? Is the world and its events too large for us to make an impact.? I think we do become complacent with these ideas that let some one else take care of the problem, but unfortunately the people governing do the same thing, known as red tape!  As a society and a race I think we all become too scared and shrug responsibility to others so we do not need to  think about what we need to be doing. Talking and complaining is all we do, Thoughts, leading to words, leading to action is more important. If we all took responsibility and then act accordingly then the day to day activities improve, and only then can change occur. It must start from within, with freeing the mind from fear, allowing the thoughts to emerge from a place of fearlessness, Allowing them to take hold into words and then by actions enable that change to occur. Through this process we transfer energies from the subconscious to the material world and make things happen!! WE actually do this constantly, yet how often do we do this consciously to bring about a good positive change. Whether you try this at your job, home, or at higher governmental level, the combination of mind, spirit and consciousness can come together to bring about astounding revolutions.
Imagine a collective consciousness all part of the divine source, working to move energies around the universe through creative thought, working to make energy waves,energy particles and events come into being and order from the molecular level. We are that collective- humanity, and all of nature acting in unison. Our collective thoughts are responsible for all the events in the world, good and bad. I will give you examples. When we collectively think of helping people after a  natural disaster like Tsunamis, earthquake, persecution, we can together and help them through aides of food, medicine, clothing and shelter and form entire organizations that work to this goal. When we are collectively of the mindset of the negative such as judgement against someones race, color of skin, creed, or religious beliefs, wars are waged and death and destruction are created. Regardless judgement causes words, that causes actions. But thoughts create judgements. Good or bad it is still a judgement.
So next time you have to choose or vote, do not just pick some candidate that will presumably make YOUR life better. Choose one who will help bring humanity together as a whole to a higher standard. In the end only we have the ability to make our lives the way we want them to be, through our thoughts, choices, words and deeds. You must be the change yourself that you seek to see in the world. When you change the way you look at the world, then the world you look at changes. So vote for yourself and do not depend on others to make your life choices for you.  
 As a close dear friend recently told me, "Change occurs only when the pain of the present outweighs the fear of the future". Good luck on your personal electoral campaign !

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let it snow !

The most wondrous time of year is almost upon us. Everything is decorated with the christmas holiday spirit, right from lawns, and bushes outside, the interiors of homes and offices, the stores and the store windows, elaborately ordained with lights, hollies, garlands, bowls of chestnuts, reindeers, jolly Santas, festive red velvet bows and gold, silver bells hanging from ceilings and roof tops. But one must not forget the beautiful snow flake. Made in glass, crystal, plastic, or metal hanging where ever you go, innocently tucked away amongst all the flashy decorations. Soon they will take over everything when they fall for real in nature. 

Ah the most wondrous time of year when the snow falls first few at a time bringing  you a warm happy feeling  of the season , and then it comes together flake by flake, sheet by sheet, layer by layer, covering everything. Nothing is spared. I used to never really appreciate snow. Well why should I, its a  mess to clear up, a pain to put away, and if too cold lasts all winter long till spring when it melts away leaving destroyed lawns. Looking at it differently though its a necessary part of nature. It provides water to us in bound forms. It provides unrestricted and imaginable play for children and adults. It is good exercise when cross country skiing and downhill skiing. So let us examine what is this flake that when comes together can paralyze us in a storm , or free our inner child.

The wondrous time of year with an intriguing part of nature. Have you ever got on your knees ( wearing waterproof warm clothes ofcourse) and picked up ONE snowflake and looked at it. Just looked at it. Each time you pick up a flake you pick up a new flake, with its own unique design. No flake is ever the same in structure, shape or design. Such I think is the same with us. Each of us is unique just like everyone else ! No one person is identical, not even twins. Everyone has their own personality, their own smile, their own "je ne sais quois." But who made these flakes? What amazing artist thought of these unique designs and made them into existence? If these were truly were by design, extend that thought to us. What a magnificent design was used to make us ! And if there is a design that means a calculated creative thought was used to make the snow flake, us, and our lives and the universe we live in. If everything is by design why would the designer make a flawed creation? I think He hasn't, and that the design is inherently perfect just like the snow flake, just like everyone in this world, and everything in this world and the  universe. So if everything is perfect why worry? 

I think we worry as we are fearful and miss out on this understanding of the design format. Hence we judge critically to push ourselves away from this idea of "there is a grand design"  yet we are trying to achieve this design in a fearful way. Replacing these thoughts with love, can allow that to happen. Love everything from the snowflake, the animals, humanity, and the world gives you the freedom to see the design. I think we know this already, but our stubbornness leads to a multitude of hurdles with arrogance, ego and eventual denial. We are denying that who we are just to try to realize who we really are in the end !!  oh dear what a tizzy world we create for ourselves. 

What a wondrous time of the year. I for one will refuse to let the frustrations, the denial, the fear get me down. I intend to enjoy the snow this year and each flake and celebrate its magnificent design and the Designer, for the majestic creation of humanity, and the world we live in.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow !!!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Look there's a sign

Look there's a sign

You have heard the phrase " is it a bird? , is it a plane? no its superman!" We all look up in the sky and interpret what we think it is. Some think its a UFO, some a hot air balloon. But what are we all looking at? To each person there is a unique interpretation. I had an interesting experience recently that led to me be more aware of what I am seeing around me. I was driving to work when for some reason I became observant of a bumper sticker on the car in front of me that stated " Pray Daily" It was enough to catch my attention. No sooner had I seen that, I happened to glance at my console screen that was playing the radio and the name of the relaxing tune that was playing was " keeping your mind at peace". Hmm I thought how odd. My mind drifted to remembering a friend from school, a faculty member who i had just that same day left a message of birthday greetings on their voicemail. Again a car bumper sticker reminded me " Maine, the way life should be." What a coincidence I thought, I was reminiscing about that faculty member from my school in Maine, and was galloping through the happy memories of time long ago.  I had been a little out of sorts that day, and unconsciously was trying to find out  why the stress and how to alleviate it. I got my answer:  Pray daily, keep my mind in peace, and remember good times and friends and family. 

To my senses namely vision ( seeing the bumper sticker), the sound ( of the soft music playing on the radio), the thought ( brought on by the second bumper sticker) these may have all been coincidences, but to the curious mind these may have been signs. From whom? The universal mind of intention? Is the cosmic organ playing a tune that i should be listening to? Is the All Pervading Creator teaching me to be more observant? Are there more hidden messages  that I should be seeking? Perhaps paying more attention to things around us we will realize that the answers for every question we ask are right there in front of us. Ask and you shall receive. Heard that before, but what if it is really true. Even for a second if we dare to believe it, can it happen? I submit that it can. Dare to dream, dare to ask, and dare to receive and accept it, and then just maybe we do not need to keep voicing our minds' frustrations and say to God " Give me a sign !!" and then arrogantly blame Him when we do not get the preconceived answer that we think we deserve to get. 

I think the universe IS talking back to you, just are we awake enough to see and hear the message is the question. Signs can be in infinite forms, coming at us through sight, sound, taste, smell, touch and feeling. We need to be able to drown out the background noise and not drown out the answer. How do we do this, when we are bombarded from every and any angle by stimulations of sights and sounds, which change our emotions, our energies, and then our resolve.  Focus, and being in the moment. Allowing the present to be all there is, and letting it be all it can be, filling every aspect of it, without judgement or fear. Only then can our senses catch up with what our true consciousness, our true self knows and sublimely surface and communicate with its divine purpose and  fulfill its destiny. We are too preoccupied with either things to do, or what others want from us , what we can or cannot give them, or how we can try to control others or let them control us, that we tune out the beautiful music within that is desperately trying  to remain in harmony with the divinity that is outside of us. 

Many a time we have conversations with ourselves on mundane matters such as " I wonder if I can find the right plumber for that tough job?" and then next thing you know a truck whizzes by you on the high way with the name, telephone number of the plumber. " I need advice on how to improve my lawn" and then you pass by a local home and garden store with a big sign and the words " Free estimates available" printed in bold letters. " I am hungry" and then you walk by a bakery and catch the scent of the fresh bread or pastry that they are making that day, and you wonder to yourself that you never knew  that the bakery existed in your neighborhood. Some may believe that these simple questions are unimportant, but if you do not pay attention to the simple answers where do you think you will get the answers to the more complex questions that cross your mind and heart and soul.  Countless questions are asked constantly and all are answered. I am reminded of something I once read about a conversation a man had with God when he went to heaven. He asked God why did you never help me win the lottery. I always prayed to win millions and lead a comfortable life. God's answer was I heard your prayer, and I would have granted you your wish but why did you never buy the lottery ticket? !! 

I am suffering from a frozen left shoulder, and during an episode of a gnawing ache, I thought to myself " I wish my pain would go away, maybe I should throw away this arm and be pain free"  Well that very same day, I turned the corridor and saw a man who was missing a left arm. It had been amputated off. He did not appear to be in distress, sad, or sulking about his fate. But that was a sign to me that I should have been less callous about my thoughts. So I immediately thanked my shoulder for the pain and proceeded about my day. Ever been driving and hit every red light that day. Hmm what is that telling you?

A sign does not have to be in neon lights, but it can be. It does not have to be some one shouting at you, but it can be ( perhaps a warning to watch out for some harm that is about to come to you.) It does not have to be a traffic symbol, but it can be, telling you to slow down and pay attention to the road and your moment. 

Perhaps next time you look up and  remark " is it a bird? is it a plane?" No perhaps it is just the universe looking back and smiling at you and answering your deepest innermost question, who am I? With the answer, " the best thing that I have ever created !!"