Thursday, December 29, 2016

a new year

A new year....

Winter is here.

 Nature gets ready to nestle into her cold bed as the blanket of snow packs down hard. All creatures know it is time to rest and hibernate. It is the last phase of an endless cycle of the 4 seasons. The surface is cold and unforgiving as is the moods of depression, beaten holiday spirits with stress and anxiety, and the heavy burdens of unresolved emotions pressured to be claimed before the year end. I furiously write out resolutions that will never see the light of day , the knowing of which secretly looms in the unseen of my  unconscious mind  with fear and destain. 

Beneath this tundra of fragile and frigid stillness is an aliveness. A beating pulse of genuine desire. An emotion birthing within the confines of a new born heart ready to take on the expansiveness of the universe. A hot glow of creativity, passion and zeal. 

Unconditional love.

Its  roar of freedom is thunderous and deafening yet muffled beneath the icy cold surface of despair. I summon the strength of the ages and with a cry of anguish coupled with joy, I surrender. 

I let go.

It is with this liberating act I find the Herculean stamina to  exit my inertia of what has felt like an eternal ice age and rise towards the gloom. I break free from the chains of the burrows of my mind. I emerge from the darkest depths of the ego branded with fear. I feel my warm hand pierce the white surface of pure cold snow. I poke my head out to breathe the crystalline air of freedom. I crawl  out of the prior year into a new year. Yet this is not about the new year it is about the new versions of You and Me. 

It is from the depths of our sadness, hopelessness, abandonment of ourselves that we are are resurrected with conviction of love for our Self and the divinity of others. It is the courage of this very conviction that will anchor us feet first into a new world, a new earth unfolding beneath our feet. With our awakened eyes we see the universe with compassion, understanding and the expansiveness of our own hearts in others. We connect in this new year to the blue lit sky, the far off  pinpoint  stars, the endless worlds of infinite universes and the boundless beings around our very person. Top to bottom and back again the pillar of our own light finds the solace that you and I so desperately seek in the name of Love. 

A new year arrives. Pomp and celebration to some. Fear and despair unto others. The calendrical feat does not cast judgement or prejudice. It is steam roller of time, " out with the old, in with the new" it proclaims with jolly laughter. The past is the past. And that is where our old stories should remain. Surrender is the release. It is the transmutation of our unchanging immortal  spirits as we dive into a changed temporary physical form from one year to the next. 

Love is the fire that burns bright and so immeasurably as it metabolizes the plagues of my past into a transformed future. I sit on top of the fallen snow amongst friends, family and mySelf in front of my sunny raging fire, sharing songs of the delightful future, and behind me lies the shattered hole from whence I rose, deep deep below the blackness of my former hate. 

Will you join me?

Hailing  you a Happy New You and New Year. 

Wishing you a healthy, prosperous and magical everything, with love. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

A black hole...

A black Hole

The black hole has been a mystery for eons for as long as we have looked up at the dark night sky and wondered beyond the stars. We are more accustomed to recognize it as a gapping powerful center of our galaxy from which nothing escapes. A swirling mass of darkness illuminated only by the borders of destroyed light and the edges of fragmented time. Our imagination is abound with illusions of fear and dread as the end all of what we call life. I see it differently. 

Transplant that image of the black hole into the deepest recesses of your heart. It is not a hole to be feared yet one that is to be used and revered daily. Churning and churning of all the wounds of our day. Tirelessly it absorbs  all of our unresolved hurts,  magnified disappointments and untold frustrations.    Destroying, dissolving, and disillusioning. The obscure laws of physics still apply as "what is created must be destroyed".. however additionally  only to be recreated once again. 

Yet this time with choice. The infinite possibilities will emerge from this black hole. The universally expanded and vast version of You in all its magnificence is waiting to take center stage on a grand scale. 

Do you choose to believe?

Do you choose to see yourSelf in the  best possible light with Love?

How you choose to re create yourSelf is entirely up to you. That is the beauty of the black hole of your heart. It aides in ripping  away all that is negatively manifest and leaves behind the spectacularly expansive form of You, your Love, Your Soul. Cosmically free to experience, enjoy and entertain all the amazing oneness of You is now transmuted. 

Your choice. 

No one or No thing can annihilate You.

 I see the brightness of your black hole everyday in You.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The stranger within

The stranger within

I am so quick to judge another and erupt when another speaks that at times I fail to identify the "I am" presence within. The lack of respect as it were for another begins with the lack of respect for oneself. 

Imagine if a little stranger comes to your front door. Outside it is raining and cold. Shivering and  afraid he or she asks of you in a gentle and quiet voice " Will you let me in?"  You or I would without reservation leap at the opportunity to help and welcome them in with open arms and embrace them with a  warm cosy blanket, a hot beverage and a scrumptiously satisfying meal and place of comfortable seating. Now imagine for an instant that the stranger is your love.  Not a person, but the very essence of love that is you, embodied in human form and adorned with the personna of "you."

We  live in a chaotic world of impulses. Bombarded every second by electronic darts or diverse stimuli that we leave precious time for ourselves or to love our selves. Too busy searching for love, or superficially giving love away or better yet, expecting love from everyone, when the one love we seek remains at our front door, knocking, knocking and knocking awaiting an answer. We are too afraid to open up ourselves to the point of no return that we choose not to open up. We never truly embrace that love of us. We never offer that seat of love in the comfortable place within our heart. That hot meal or beverage is never consumed as we never choose to meet the oneness of ourselves with the oneness of the universal love. Too many conditions are placed upon Love. Too many ego and mind driven ideas of the shape and form in which Love is to present itself before us are created and yet we miss the very nature and shape of it when Love does reveal itself to us in all its glory. 

We are afraid, so Love shows up in the same way, scared. We are cold to others, so Love shows up in the same way, shivering. We are starved for Love, and so it shows up in the same way, hungry. Yet offered and accepted as it is with out condition, judgement or preconceived,  Love is metabolized to a higher frequency in its true form. You. 

The Love you seek in another is the love you seek of yourself in another. Finding that love of yourself is the first step to a more peaceful future. Looking  into your own reflection in the mirror through your weary, world trodden eyes, you may find something cosmically remarkable. Peeping back, a discovery like none other awaits. For in the curiosity of your heart, a long lost stranger of the " I am " presence now becomes a friend. Lost and found, this Love that is You is waiting to be discovered in others. And so the dance begins as we reflect our own Love in another and observe ourselves in another.

I will never be quick to judge when that stranger shadows my doorway, as it may just be the Love of You that is the Love of Me that I greet with open arms.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

In the air

In the air

I love living in New england. Every season has something inspiring to offer. Every season sheds something into the air. 

In Spring it is the life giving pollen in infinite shapes and sizes and types. Throughout the lands the air is filled with pollen from all plants, bushes, trees, grasses, big or small as they spread themselves out to copy themselves. 

In summer the rains fill the  skies to the earth with the nourishing water of our cells. Puddles form to hop in are abundant, and dry up quickly  in the morning days sun. 

In Fall time brings the tremendous awe inspiring diversity of multicolored autumn leaves that cover every dimension of surface to reveal a magnificent painting that moves and transforms the land with magic. The air is abound with falling, flying, floating wonders of color

In winter time, every inch of the land is covered with soft white snow. Mattressed, layered and blanketing snow fills the ground and the air is saturated with snow fall. 

Yet what about all the other times ?  what fills the air? Love. It is the nature from within the heart space that is unfiltered and is ever present and around us. When it is manifest as "thought"  it is the same love filtered through the wandering untamed mind. Inhaled, exhaled, and flowing it is within us. We manifest our "love" as we start to move towards embodying this energy into thoughts, words, actions and so the reality of love is created. 

It is a choice to create. It is a choice to breathe it in, and then a choice to breathe it out. Magic is in the air. It always has been . It is the same magic of the pollen flying , the rains falling , the autumn leaves floating, the snow drifting in the air. It is the same magic that is manifest into energy and action by sheer force of will by the universe,  as it co created them all from a place of love. This is the same universe that created You. And yes right again, from a space of love and a pin point of intention of creating something so unbelievably amazing and unique that it could have only been made as perfection. From perfection, manifest into perfection, for a perfect purpose. You. 

You are in the air. You always have been. Grounded into the physical for thought, word, action. A lovely purpose.  You have been created from love, into love, for love. Ever present. Connected. 

You are love.