Friday, July 27, 2018

Do you know your digital twin?

Do you know your Digital Twin?

It has been an amazing journey of innovation meets personality over the last 20 years where we have seen tremendous advances in the world of  information technology. What once was the paper medical record in the doctors office that contained detailed health information under lock and key only in the physicians office, is now electronically imbedded in some ambiguous cloud box in the internet. With ever growing vast sums of information about you being  accumulated with each visit to a hospital or office visit or lab test that is now attached to your identification. In a snap shot most of everything about your mind and body is computed and stored. This is what I like to call your inner digital twin.

Now enter social media with cookies and gps tracking all your shopping, eating and traveling and personal interests and habits. Once again this compilation of data creates another part of your digital twin. We continue to post our inner fantasies that become realities for common interest, perhaps adulation, or even sharing of knowledge. Many times " innocent" and yet smart tracking systems devised to" help" us get more access to shopping, eatery or other options that work faster, are adopted  in the name of convenience.

Our cars, our phones, or kitchen accessories like fridges and coffee makers, learn our choices very carefully. Gadgets like Fitbits, Iwatch, running apps and devices, automatic BP machines and countless others that continue to assimilate the most personal of information about our pulse, oxygen use, sleeping habits, respiratory status, health conditioning, gait, walking or running styles, and numerous other parameters. These together are the building blocks of our digital twin. In the virtual world with new gaming technology we can virtually play, communicate and compete with others without ever leaving the comfort of our own home.

With the advent of new biometric recognition such as fingerprint, retinal scan, personal key codes, and facial recognition algorithms we surrender every part of our most intimate uniqueness and unload it to the digital twin that is waiting to be born. Unknowingly it has already been birthed as artificial intelligence such as the new smartphones that can tell what mood you are in when you look at the screen. In doing so, a host of choices can be presented to you based on prior data of who you are mentally, physically, spiritually and so on. The smart phones are your supercomputers to access the entire world, much more than ever being a real phone. Texting, emailing, use of chat apps are the norm of instant communication instead of picking up the phone and talking to another human. Are you even sure that you are communicating with another human when you text or are you getting their digital twin?

Have you noticed like I have that you are constantly being bombarded by the same advertisements of sellable items that you may have expressed a fleeting interest at one point yet now it is being hinted at you constantly in the side columns of your email, pandora, web browsing screens? I wonder how much of coercion my Digital twin is applying on me to bend to its will?

This is the age that we live in, with both benefits and drawbacks of all that has been created. The big questions that really need to be asked are who controls the digital twin? Do you? or do the profiteering marketeers ?  Or are you controlled by your digital twin and are unaware that most things in your life are being dictated by your twin in the name of convenience?

Does your digital twin love you?
I love you

Friday, July 20, 2018

matters of the soul

I have been asked what is the difference between the soul, the body and you. 

My answer is fairly simple. You are the soul,and you have a body. This body is not you, and yet you are the driver of the mortal frame. It is your vehicle to interact within a manifest universe. Ethereal to solid. 

You as the soul are interfacing with this reality through this physical body and all its senses  in this realm at this particular time to fulfill a task or purpose. This is known as an experience. 

Your body is a finely tuned machine, that holds all knowledge within the cells as part of DNA. The key is to access that knowledge and apply it. This is known as wisdom. When you listen to your body and its various energy centers you access this wisdom. 

The mind in its executive centers remain logical and task oriented, and is able to see things with a clearer and  more objective perspective. When we are in our emotional centers in the brain, we are polarized and do not see things for what they are,  but as we want or wish them to be, regardless of whether it is scary or blissful, good or bad. 

Listen to your body, it will guide you. When the pressures of ideas of others or your own, or the stress to act or not to act based on the voice of others or your own can all be filtered through the body. These stressors are what makes us either speak or act irrationally or impulsively. 

Follow your soul's voice for it knows the way. 
I love you

Thursday, July 12, 2018


For the longest time I have been subservient to my anger, and to my envy. This has led me to blame others when events in my life did not go according to my plans. After all I was blameless. This was my defense mechanism and my way of coping with hardships and missed opportunities. This was an arduous journey.

When I began to blame myself for the issues at hand, I discovered that my journey had begun to shorten. With more accountability  and  responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions I felt more empowered, and determined to fix what I believed to have been broken goals and out of reach dreams.

It was only until I blamed no one for any event, circumstance or situation, that I realized that on my journey, I had already arrived. Everything that had happened to me was simply gearing me up for a learning experience. It was my ego that defined it as good or bad. By labeling it with a perspective I stayed chained to the definition of elation or defeat.

When I transcended labeling and the blaming of others and myself, I was able to see a hidden balance and order of things that expressed itself as love. We all undertake a journey of self discovery and sometimes travel far off course to find it. Yet sometimes the journey is not about finding a path or even knowing that you are on a path. It is a about the realization that the path is you and you are the path in this moment of now.

Be inspired to live blame free, it is a wonderful thing.
I love you

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Story time

Story time

I settle in for the night and pick up a book to read. My mind begins to wander. I nestle into the book with more focus and turn the pages. Yet my mind continues to remind me of affairs of the day, events of the week, ills of my life. The attempts at concentration are just that. Attempts. No matter how hard I try the thoughts becomes louder voices echoing in my mind of missed opportunities, failed misadventures, and painful memories. I close my eyes to block out the intruders, to no avail. I begin to breath heavy, and my heart pounds faster. The sweat on my brow appears as if I have walked through the rain. I drop my book. I know that my predicaments are self made. The cycle must be broken or I risk it to continue at my peril. 

I must regain control. And so I begin to meditate. In the middle of the storm of mental gunfire, the only one who can take control of both sides of the war that is waging within is me. I do this with my breathing. The only thing that goes with me at all times and with every pulse. I quickly access this tool, and begin to breath deep, long and hard. I shift the gear and the pace, to slow it down and breathe deep and long, and then breathe slower and more naturally. My pulse has returned to its original beat, having been derailed by my mind. My thoughts once again begin their tireless task of upsetting my attempt to regain control. Yet the anger begins to subside as does the fear of my stories written into my psyche throughout my life. 

With deeper and deeper breaths I let go of all that ails me with love. I offer love to every facet of hardship and every aspect of failure that I have encountered. The howling winds of my thoughts have died down to a gentle breeze. The torrent of emotion has remained now but a gentle lap on the shores of my mind. I open my eyes to a new wisdom and I brew a new balance into my life. I need not read a book for distraction tonight to put me to sleep , as I welcome the visitor of rest within my heart, mind, body and soul. The visitor brings peace as I no longer hold onto the stories of my life. 

Moral of the story. We are keenly aware of the stories of our lives that continue to play out night after night, day after day like the magnificent shows on Broadway. Exactly the same, each show cannot be distinguished from its prior event. So too the drama of our lives of misadventures, banter of relationships, unexpected circumstances all play like endless stories, page after page, moment after moment, year after year, life time after lifetime. The time to stop reliving the drama and putting the book down is now. We have the ability to do just this at any point in our lives. 

Are you brave enough to drop your story? Are you even braver to share your story with others?
I love you