Thursday, July 27, 2017



A field of instant boredom or immediate excitement. For me it started off in school as a very difficult subject matter to understand and grasping the concepts were more than arduous, they were frustrating. Yet I plugged away. Later in life, it all seemed to click and make sense and then ended up taking quantum physics and quantum chemistry which became mind numbingly fun. 

There is the physics of the seen. This is Newtonian. We can touch, observe and  manipulate the experiments of nature. Then there is the physics of the unseen. This is more Einstein derived. Quantum universes within quantum cells, understanding the universal whole down to its building blocks and trying to bridge the two. Cerebral to say the least and only until recently experimentally validated. Then there is the physics of the soul as it pertains to feeling. This places us right into the heart of the universe and we become integrally connected into and everything that is universal, whether seen or  unseen. Time and dimensions become illusionary in the face of all that is manifest or unmanifest, whether absolute or relative when you deal with the physics of the Self. 

My experimental tool is my heart and not my mind. The resonance of feeling unlocks the energetic vibrational frequencies within all and the Self. It can then manifest the reality of choice of mind or spirit. My spirit is both the  observer and the experimenter of all realities in every timeline in every universe occurring simultaneously. And so both my outcome research data and evidence is created instantly as long as I tap into my research  companion. 

Everything infinitely small and infinitely big is connected and so the sphere of size is irrelevant. The interaction of all forces seen and unseen flows through and within the heart space. The energy of love is the only constant highest vibrational energies throughout the cosmos. For not the universal love of existence, nothing would exist. That is where the universal heart not mind of intention plays role. And so becomes the greatest tool of creation. Looking for more "evidence" look closely in the mirror at every feature, pore, strand on your physical and how it works and then look into your eyes and see perhaps for the first time the unseen version of you, the researcher. Find the love in your heart to connect to this aspect of You and manifest an unparalleled future. 

I love my researcher and all the tools that he employs. Publications of his findings are abound.... in every interaction with YOU !! 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Body transformations

Body transformations

Yet another magazine I throw away in the garbage that has innumerable pictures of amazing ( probably photoshopped) models with great bodies. Thin, slim, sculpted, perfect. We all go through these phases in our lives where we take our being healthy, fit, and feeling alive to the next obsessive level. It is perfectly fine to target and reach that height if you are into sports, or exercising, competitive and striving for a personal bench mark. Yet if it is to look like someone else because it is popular then I would disagree on those goal ideas. 

Few things to remember. At a certain age after having children and trying to turn back the clock to look like a 21 year old because you want to be liked is a bizarre   concept, yet I see it all the time. The desire to change with healthy doses of exercise and better eating habits is one thing, but then to jump into surgical options for the sake of vanity may not always be called for. Those stretch marks that you may want gone are reminders of your 9 month long arduous pregnancy and the delivery of your child. Your bags under your eyes are reminders of those sleepless nights you spent with your child, or the hard work you went through doing two jobs or late shifts. The callouses on your hands are reminders of the laborious tasks you performed with your hands for work, or a special endeavor like toiling in the fields or your flower or vegetable garden. The aches of your feet recollect the long distances you may have walked for years to the nearest bus station to go to school or seek work . 

So the next time I decide to simply BE like that person in the glamorous eye-catching magazine taunting me from the newsstand,   I will force to remind myself that my body with all its socially estabilished imperfections is the complete record book of all my life's experiences and memories. My body has been with me since the time I came into this world, and remains with me till I decide to leave. We have gone through innumerable trials and tribulations and it has been revered and abused, yet the vehicle of my soul continues to serve. Be proud of who you are and who you have become. If you want to perform modifications go right  ahead, but do it for you and not anyone else or for any life situation you are trying to escape from.

You are simply perfect the way you are. 

I am me. And loving it. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

how much is enough compassion?

How much is enough compassion?

I am often plagued with the notion of do I have enough compassion? Not do I have compassion. I do, but do I have enough for another human being. After all I am just a simple human how can my bucket of compassion be infinitely deep. Yet what say we toy with the idea that it can be infinitely deep.... how do we get it there? Understanding the nature of compassion is key. 

Compassion is the profound understanding for another person. It stems from a vastness of our hearts that holds tremendous respect. Yet in this form it is respect for oneself. It is the compassion of myself, completely and totally that will enable the eventual offering of love of myself to the love of another. It is the connection that we seek when we offer our holding of space in the cosmic moment of now as we commune with another living soul. 

Acknowledging our own pain, and healing that to whatever extent brings forth the energy of love. When this new entity has been  filled up to the brim of our hearts and runs over, we offer it to another who we recognize who is in similar emotional pain. It does not have to be the same scenario that brings about the pain, as pain is the end result of whatever  devastating situation has arisen. This love makes its way out to the other when the respect, the understanding of ourselves enables a bridge to be created to another's heart. 

As we surrender a fragment of our love to another, so too does the universe do the same towards our own hearts from its heart center with the same conscious understanding of its vast infinite self. Ergo this translates to an infinite amount of compassion. And so lies the mathematical logic of the limited mind asking to balance an infinite question. Compassion is infinite, and limitless, as it stems from the human heart that has the capacity for the same. Connecting to your Self, that aspect of you that is connected to the universe, leads to your bucket never being empty. 

Respect, understanding, love for you is synonymous with compassion towards  others.  

Thursday, July 6, 2017

full moon woes

Full moon woes

Heads up folks powerfully intense full moon showing up july 9. This particular moon has the potential to create all kinds of serious relationship issues. The polarities are fierce and manifests as ego vs emotion and inner tensions vs external pressures. There is a lot of chance at disharmony with personal conflict and draining of energy. I too fell unsuspectingly victim to some of the effects yet quickly turned things around. 

The purpose of this particular intensity is appropriate. It provides the emotional strength to retune what was unveiled in the last new moon. When you develop subconscious awareness it will allow for the balanced objectivity. We all may experience some level of trouble focussing. Goals need the drive to manifest, hence the last new moon for goal creation  and this full moon to set things in motion. 

Relationships with friends and family can become quite heated and intense suffering from impulsivity  and aggressive actions. Channeling this untamed energy in grounding and exercise will help tremendously. Be mindful of your temper and quick triggered reactions. We essentially turn  into out of control pressure cookers.

Recoding and restructuring and recalibrating of the geometrics and fundamental sequences are constantly happening yet it is these bursts of vibrational frequency adjustments that radically shift our very being to the next level. Sometimes change is thrust upon you when you least expect it or desire it. Obsessed feelings can become the target of arguments and fights. 

Here are some helpful tips to handle this moon.

1) do not react to every interaction no matter how intense. A quick pause and breath will reset you

2) Feel the ground.

3) lay your hands on your heart and feel the beat

4) Breathe deeply from your lower belly

5) Listen and talk less

These moon effects will pass as quickly as they arrived. It is in the feeling of unsteadiness where you will find your path and know that you are on the right track. 

Patience. Flow. Allow. Love.