Thursday, May 19, 2016



The painful season is back. I have no choice but to face it each day. Sneeze, cough, blow nose, mop up watery eyes, and repeat several times.Tissue boxes get emptied and energies drained from all these shenanigans. Every year, the allergies get worse and as the season varies so does my incompatibility with these different botanical  components. It is quite ridiculous. Allergic to my own natural habitat ? Who would have thought of such a thing to be even possible. Yet it is. I face it each day along with countless others. This got me thinking as most of these situations do. I am just having a hard time dealing with my external environment and allergic to the outside world, a bodily chemical reaction. 

However what about all the other elements that I am allergic to internally? Negativity, prejudice, hatred, jealousy are all various similar botanical components that I am allergic to. Instead of spluttering, coughing and sneezing, I have other symptoms such as  anxiety, frustration and panic attacks. These may even further manifest as misplaced anger towards a coworker, or family member. I lash out in all these different ways as these are being fueled by misinterpreted signals of an allergic reaction. I can try to suppress all these feelings of negative enhanced thoughts and pretend they do not exist, like my delusion that this year my allergies are not going to erupt. Yet when they do, I must face up to them. So too I must face the reality of these feelings. Allergy to the internal is just as potent to the allergy to the external. The question is do I suppress both with medication and ignorance or do I deal with the internal and external incompatibilities.

The external allergy is easy. Begin the desensitization  process not with steroids or the sheer craziness of going full on into the allergic environment and reacting to everything. One method is having small doses of local honey from local bees. You do not see bears sneezing all spring season long. I wonder why. Desensitized ? Slowly yet surely allergies to the external pollen from trees, flowers, bushes etc will subside.   I am working on this. Stay tuned.

The internal allergy to negative feelings is a lot harder to manage but can be done so in a  similar step wise approach. Facing up to the fact that there is a problem is the first part in diagnosing that there is in fact an allergy. Plucking away at prejudices, biases and judgements that lead to negative emotional states that explode into anger, hatred, jealousy and then outright outbursts kind of like a sneeze yet more internal is hard work but doable . Understanding the origins of these harsh pollinating seeds of non positive feelings is my answer to releasing them. Once found they do not seem to have their hold on me any more. Perhaps it was something that someone once said decades ago, a mindset was created and a prejudicial seed was planted. This flourished over the years in to now a terrific weed. The external environments helped harvest these negative seeds in to plants of terror and the only reaction now as they pollinate is a manifestation of anger, anxiety and panic as I am unable to handle my overwhelming reaction to it all. The weed of hate perpetuates its pollen and the cycle continues till no end, or at least until I decide to handle my allergies.

 In my opinion, meditation and reflection of the origins of these issues are the treatments. The cure lies in the desire within one self to conquer these states. Just because I have allergies to my external environment does not mean I just blame  everything on the allergy and give up. So too for the internal allergies manifesting as anger and anxiety. Mixed in with a healthy medicinal dose of compassion towards my Self, I find symptom relief and  a better allergy free environment in which to roam. Inhaling the fresh air is as good for my lungs, as it is inhaling cleaner thoughts for my spirit and conciousness. 

Cured? Not yet? I am working on this. Stay tuned. But join me for a day out in the sun, allergy free. It is worth breath-taking. 

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Being a bright light bulb

Being a bright light bulb

I have always been curious about the cartoon of the boy with the light bulb above his head, depicting the "idea" or "eureka" concept. The creation of the modern day light bulb was in itself one of the greatest human inventions. Who invented the light bulb is up to a lot of debate and yet many are given credit for it. That is not however what I am interested in. Yet I have also been curious about  looking into the lit light bulb. Have you done it?  Blinding isn't it!!  The light dissipates throughout an entire room, leaving no part unlit. The more powerful the bulb the more of the darkness is dispelled. In the absence of light there is only darkness. There is no in between. It is absolute. If you take laser light however a very different approach occurs. It is very focussed beam of light and VERY BLINDING yet it shines in a straight line towards its target. It does not dispel any darkness except that what interrupts its path. It can shine concomitantly within the darkness occurring side by side. This got me thinking as many of these odd situations do.

A light bulb's energy is dissipated in all directions as far as its energy can project. Continuous  stream    of electrons and light energy perform this action. A laser beam is comprised of even higher intensity focussed light energy yet cannot perform this similar light bulb action. How does this phenomenon apply to me? When I fully embrace my Self I shine as bright as a light bulb. I dissipate compassion, unconditional love and connection in every direction. 360 degrees in all directions of a sphere. Bold, bright, and powerful. I shine bright and dispel the darkness that is around me. I dispel the darkness within  me. Fears, hate, anger, jealousy, envy and greed are all various facets of the darkness that I choose to block out. Flicker, Flicker off. Oh dear my bulb is off. I need to be able to keep light energy stronger and longer lasting. I need a more powerful source to charge my bulb. Faith, courage and surrender to the moment of now are all the ingredients I need to maintain my bulb's brightness and longevity. 

A laser's light is unidirectional and only outgoing. As bright as it may be it is still limited. If my focus is so intense on something I can create that laser light. If however the ingredients are not in the correct proportion it can be too intense and harmful when it  reaches its target. Too much of a unidirectional intensity of energy good or bad is usually destructive. If I love too much without reason I can smother someone. If I hate too much I can destroy someone. So this is not the light I seek. Even a candle has the amazing gift of the light bulb yet limited in its source, in other words candle wax burns off. A light from an oil lamp has more longevity yet it too will eventually die out when the wick burns off or the oil is not renewed. I am working on a brighter renewable non depleting Universal  Source of energy mixed in with compassion and  love so I may connect to my world with the brightness and freedom that it deserves. 

I am trying to be as bright as the sun, not there yet.. but soon... :)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Gong goes the meditation bell

GONG !! goes the meditation bell

So  I have this meditation bell programmed into my phone that goes off every 15 minutes through out the day. It just helps me readjust to my center and connect with my Source and universe for a split second. I am invariably taken by surprise which tells me two things. Firstly how lost in my world of materially manifested craziness I really was to the point that I did not even realize that time had passed between "gongs." Secondly, how important it is to be centered and how easy it is to fall  in and out of my connections. Yet what was really wild was the response that others around me had to the ringtone and the vibration of the melodious soothing and spiritually recharging sound.

 Here are a few examples of the responses.  One person thought it reminded him of the bell in boxing. ROUND 1 , ROUND 2 YOU ARE UP.... It was not surprising to learn that in a prior occupation growing up he was a pro boxer. His mind had been conditioned to this kind of response. Every time the gong of the bell went off he became hyper vigil and alert and ready. Heart rate probably went up, pupils dilated and he was ready for action. Another person kept thinking it was time for lunch. Perhaps being conditioned to the school bell at lunch time from her old school days. Yet another would be irritated at the sound. Probably thinking " this crazy guy and his noisy  bell" Regardless of the response no one really joined in to connect with me to their source or to the universe.  Everyone is conditioned to vibrate at the frequency of their choice at that particular state of mindset. We all vibrate at different frequencies of sound as we oscillate up and down different energy levels. If we are made of energy, then it is a rational idea that we will be effected by different energies, kind of like ripples in a pond. Energies transfer from one person to another and throughout the universe at all levels and through all living things. 

Feelings are also energy manifestations that are transmitted. Feelings are action and reaction. What to one person is one feeling may be entirely different to another's feelings even with the same stimulus, especially if that is the gong of a bell trying to help you center. Some may find it peaceful and engage in meditative practice and others might veer away from it as it throws off their "version of being centered". If I walk into a room and during the course of time I am engaging with peoples' conversations that are becoming excessively heated or argumentative and negative, I have felt an overpowering need to leave the room. After much deliberation I have come to realize that when I am engaged in talking negatively or hearing negative discussions I must walk away. Perhaps you have felt it too. It is the permeation of negative energy that does it. And if you are not of the same make up of that energy or it overwhelms you then you are repelled by it.  So following through with this idea, it only goes to show that if feelings of negativity can have a dramatic impact on someone what if I change my own frequency to a different more positive intense one.  I have "felt" this in the presence of others who are exceedingly calm. I am sure you have felt it too when you walk into an old chapel or cathedral where the aura of 1000s of positive souls have passed. I immediately feel more relaxed and in touch with something more that just the spirit of mySelf. 

I now will try to be more compassionate, understanding and loving. I intend to transmit this energy like a light bulb in all directions. My own experiment is underway in sending out as much of higher intensity energetic frequency I can muster. I am my own GONG ! Some may like this frequency, some may not. Energy transfer is absolute, and at this point in our lives a necessity if dealing with positive energy. 

Have you centered to the sound of your own spiritual gong?