Thursday, November 24, 2016

HAPPY thanksgiving

Thanks Giving Day
A memorable day of thanks given for a historic day of kindness and extraordinary unity as a people of one nation welcomed the troubled citizens of another, with an act of peace. Helping a fellow being in unconditional service is as close to touching the divinity within, worth celebrating with pomp and solace as we share a meal on a holiday with family and friends. Homage paid to a single act centuries ago etched in unbroken memory on the pages of past records. 

Yet I simply stop and wonder about the gratitude I must also unconditionally offer to the love of my heart as it stares me in the mirror day after day with passionate kindness and never asking for anything  more, except the innate though forgotten rite to be accepted. My mind and body  having taken a life of their own in a world of fast paced oscillation of order and chaos, have ignored what  they have always been searching for to complete their trifecta. 

The heart space. 

The love of the heart that bares no ill will when enabled to shine its brightest when the chains of ignorance, fears and hatred have been broken. When allowed to be heard, the shroud of misery is tossed aside, and the roar is deafening. The love that connects each of us through our words, actions and deeds such as that historic moment, is lived every day of every second in the feeling behind the thought to assist. Yet one cannot provide assistance to anyone  if the acknowledgment of the Self has not been first made. 

A single feeling, a single thought, a single action ignites the reaction of   a thousand suns all sparked from a space of love. A big bang reaction if you will that originates from a singular point in time and space. 


It is You that makes that difference.

A gratitude spell that sparks the love of You waiting with bated breath holds the key to untold miracles and magic of epic proportion and soulful ascension. A giving of thanks is not just of an ancient event in history, but more humble gratitude   of the  heart space of the people who sparked such a com-memorable   event. It is that same heart space that has transcended all of human history. It is the same heart space that began human history. It is the same heart space that the future will call "You, Me, Us."

Take a look in the mirror today and take a long or brief moment for the love that is has waited your whole life for this event. Afterwards, the mystery unfolds.

Happy Thanks Giving. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

In the stillness

ln the stillness

When I am invited into a story of a friend's difficulties or troubles, I immediately gravitate into the seemingly unavoidable feeling that there is something that is broken and I must be the one to fix them. All too instinctively I  find "what is wrong "according to my own mountaintop vantage point and then render an opinion. I perhaps will offer the advice that they are fine and everything else is the problem. Or perhaps the situation requires the stern suggestion that all the while the problem arises from them and that they are at "fault" with their own troubles and their environment and situations are all just fine.


As the story unfolds I may even be  quicker to judge their hopelessness as a hole that cannot be fixed despite every effort of my own. It is here when the feelings are molded and arise from within me and not within the story teller. Classic faux pas has been committed as I trigger an old emotion with in myself that is similar to the sparked emotion of my friend. I cannot handle my own delivery from bondage and fears of this risen snake head and so I do not own it, I make it about someone else. Blame, shame, name is the game we play. All too often I am afraid. So quickly so, that 1000s of such triggers lay deep under the surface awaiting to see the light of day and be released, yet they become my dark and cloudy night. 

 In a snug warm cosy bed I hide beneath the blanket of all my triggered fears peering out from the edges awaiting a resolve by someone else. The story now is mine and I will tell it to another. Perhaps they will do the same and identify mirrored states and hide. We as a society then remain wrapped within the safety of a calm voice, "it is not your fault..."

It is in the stillness of my friend's conversational troubles that I may find the solution to both our problems. It is the same problem. I would entertain that there is no problem, as it is a state of unease as we both pause and experience the stillness together. The unfolding of happiness is layered love. Each pressured layer compressed by heavy catalysts of our timelines and transformed into fossils that we never knew existed deep and deeper still within our unconsciousness. Yet it is our conscious Spirit that is awaiting with it's mighty oil rigged drill of persistent patience to tap into the darkest of the dark and release it into the brilliance of the sun where nothing can survive. 

Transforming fear into love takes time. Just as our once  effulgent love was buried with fears. Eons, centuries, years, seconds are collapsed in the stillness. 

Hold.. hold.... hold.... listen still....and we both are free...

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Election. It is over

The Election, it is over. 

With bated breath we have been waiting for a President. The last 16 months of churning of the news with raw feelings as the drama of the candidates unfolded into hypocrisy, mud slinging, lies and deceits and skeletons leaping out of closets on to the dance floor. Nothing was sacred. Financial  markets plunged and resurrected themselves. Friends and enemies created as people created camps of "one side or the other" without middle ground. This was not a test of the quality of the candidates, this was a test of our selves. Some passed the test with patience, understanding and lack of de-evolving into sub human behaviors. Others did  not pass the test. Many broke family and friend relationships over these elections. New shadows hidden were awakened as once people who thought themselves as peace loving, simply frayed. Becoming racist, feminist, anti religious, hateful, angry to name but a few, are not traits that come about overnight. They are nurtured sensations from seeds long ago. 

The shadow aspect of many were known. We waited for a President. A leader to navigate the tumultuous seas of economies, world affairs, domestic hostilities and an infinite number of issues that will arise. A leader that is always in the making, and never just standing there ready. A President takes time to make and honor and followed. Some will say " my candidate this or my candidate that...."  Indulge me the opportunity to remind you that "your candidate" does not have the foggiest idea that you even exist nor what your personal problems are  all about and especially  how those problems effect you.  A political candidate only knows themselves as is for themselves. Altruism in politics is still awaited. Been waiting since the first government. It is being human with power. Not necessarily a "powerful human" as that is where the ego changes the whole story. 

This saga that has  unfolded is about none other than You. What lies ahead is about you, me and us. What lies ahead is about choices. Not forced choices, but choices we have to make for ourselves to forge our own evolution and future. 

Whether this President can make the change that is needed is uncertain. As was the case of their opposite running counterpart. Hindsight is always 20/20. So the dust settles, and our social media rants and memes die down to once again return to the normalcy of our days, and our social media selfies, exchanging recipes, ideas and all the precious things that we hold dear to glue our hours of work, family and personal times together.

 I have heard that we will see what history has to say about our future with this President. I wholeheartedly disagree. History is not about one man or woman. History is the record of what we have all done together as a species, as a civilization, as a planet, as One. No singular individual has the ability to change the future for any one individual. We all have the ability to do the same for our selves and in doing so change the future of our world. No matter who you take in history that has done great or terrible things to their fellow man, whether bringing joy or war, life or death to others, it is only because they changed themselves in such a way that they could have the necessary intention and therefore the impact to change the world. Which means you have the same abilities.

It is about the pure intention from the space of your choice within you that will co create the reality that you and I seek. Change is coming. Believe it or not is entirely immaterial. Total change is coming. Presidents come and go. Your candidate will come and go, yet you are still there in the trenches of life. Don't wait to make a difference. The difference we all need is You. And it is now. Your problems, my mundaneness, our  past, your fears, our collective consciousness is on the brink of something so spectacular the likes of which can only be experienced. Gateways are open, and ready for you to run through without fear. Dropping our "mental garbage" is the first step. Seeing no boundaries within yourself is the next. Embracing your destiny in front of you is the next step. And that folks is how WE create history. 

The next 4 years is  not going to be an "OMG" doomsday scenario. It is a waking up period. The alarm clock is ringing.... Can you hear it?