Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chatter chatter, can you please be quiet

Chatter, chatter, chatter, can you please keep quiet.

Sitting in a library, huddled in the quiet stillness,  we cannot stand when people talk and disturb the code of  silence. Attentive at the movies, it is really annoying when fellow movie goers constantly are having conversations while a movie is playing. It is especially irritating when your family member or friend or an acquaintance is standing beside you and constantly nagging you and telling you what to do or say, or think or act. It goes on and on till finally we either simply move away, or politely ask the person to " SHUT UP."  The chattering can be relentless. It disturbs our mental peace and thoughts. We all encounter this on a regular basis. Someone is sitting within earshot of you on a bus or at the grocery store or a waiting room for example and like a broken record they incessantly spew their negative attitude towards their lives, their spouses, their "friends" and so on. You feel like grabbing them and shaking them and saying" Keep quiet and get a grip on your life !"

Why do these peoples' talkative or bossy advices or verbal garbage bother us? Especially when our minds are doing exactly the same thing continuously in our heads at every moment of every day of our lives. The mind is so tomultous and with more force than the strongest destructive earthly weather system, it blows our thoughts around in our heads. We have the ability to quieten this torrent of chatter when our Self awakens and says " Keep quiet and get a grip on your life." We have no problem telling a manifested person in reality in front of us to stop talking, would it not be easy to do the same if we can mentally manifest the chatty mind into existence by giving it form, shape and visualize it in front of us and then simply scold or politely request it to conform to some code of silence. 

With the help of your breathing you can become more aware and conscious of the moment. By being fully present, you become alive and strong to summon the chattering mind and then be bold enough to say "excuse me please but kindly be quiet, I have had quite enough of your irrelevant chatter." Slowly yet surely the Self gains control and then is able to lead and the conversations you hear in your mind resonate a higher frequency of calmer collected thoughts. These then manifest into more agreeable and positive conversations with others. The power of positive words and thoughts can then systematically bring about positive and good change to a world in much need of it. 

SSSHHHHH ! that's better

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Catching up to your destiny

Catching up to your destiny

All too often we cringe and crib about our lives. " I do not have the house that I want" I do not have the car I want" " I do not have the family that I want" " I am not in the job that I want" and so on. The list is endless. We say these things over and over again almost like a mantra as our negativity continues to flourish in our minds and then take hold into the real world. The more we are upset the more we speak ill and instead of blessing our future we curse it. The cycle is continuous  and everlasting till we decide to break it. The increasingly negative thoughts lead to these deflating words and then these manifest into our lives. 

Yet interestingly the nature of wanting more and something  better for ourselves, our home, our lives and our families,  in some respects perpetuates the flow of positivity. So episodically and moreover unknowingly we keep saying out loud the type of home, family, car, life and job we are hoping to attain. Yet moreover we openly do not declare what we wish as we secretly fear 'what if doesn't true' or more to the point ' what if does come true, what do we do then.' And so we enable our secret desires to fester on the inside and do not allow it to be part of our future, and we hark our dissatisfactions out loud and while swimming in these thoughts the opposite of our desires comes true.

The universe is not without its sense of humor and fairness. It will give you all your positive desires too but slowly as whenever and  whatever happens to trickle out of your unconscious mind like a slow flowing tap, will become manifest. Yet your desires of wealth you wanted in your youth but suppressed by your negativity will manifest when you are older when you are less likely to enjoy it. It just took that long for it come out. You might get that perfect family but only after been torn apart by others while you were in a negative space. So staying focussed at all times on your desires and having a clear vision of your goals accompanied by a positive out look and attitude is paramount. This must be in the forefront of your thoughts as you embrace your destiny, that is entirely of your own making. 

With all the flowing of your positive thoughts into your speech, you manage to move the energies within the cosmos to transpire to help you seek your goals. You will see them come to pass, yet  how much faith do you have to openly live your secret, namely " I want my wishes to come true, I believe they will and I am ready to receive them" That is when you catch up to your destiny. There will be moments that I encourage you to pause and take stock of your life. You may very well be surprised that the life you are living is exactly the way you had envisioned it so many years ago. The spouse and the family is that of your choosing. The house you are living in not only is exactly to your specifications but also has everything in it that you desired. The fact that your desires at this very moment have shifted and not what you want at this point in time is not the universe's  problem, it is yours. Our minds are fickle and constantly jumping from target to target, desire to desire and so when we have what we want, we no longer are content enough to experience it, which is why we do not even realize that we have already received and completed the desired requirements. Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get. Sometimes the life you are living is exactly what you have wanted all along. 

Focussing on the vision of a blessed and healthy life, strong family connections, and a life full of joy, peace and creativity and free life of being on purpose with your goals allows the  universe enough latitude to bring all sorts of interesting realities to manifest and in ways your preconceived desires even cannot be matched. 

How fast can you catch up to your destiny? 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Going to the movies

Going to the movies

Buttered popcorn, large soda, outrageously priced snacks and with tickets in hand we eagerly get into the movie theater with all sorts of expectations for a great movie fantasy experience to help us escape the mundane dreariness of our realities. The previews are usually my favorite as I plan what to see in the future.  Each movie theater hall has its own movie playing. Lets just say there are 10 theaters at this particular movie establishment. Some movies are violent, some are comedic, some are romantic, some are thriller adventures, the genre varies  but the movie goer does not. It is your choice and how you feel that governs which theater hall you enter. This is very similar to your life. 

We have the choice to enter any movie playing. We have the choice to experience any situation that we are exposed to. Whether it is a romance with a partner, violence in an abusive relationship, laughter and comedy with a friend or child, a thrilling adventure of your work or life, in any case the movie playing is that of your life. You are the star actor or actress, the producer and the director. This life is your stage and you are filming your own movie in your mind. The rest of your fellow casted members are there  in supporting roles just as you are there in a supporting role in their lives. So the only one to blame if you do not get an Oscar winning performance is yourself.  After all you casted yourself for the role of who you are. The script was also written by you.  Yet the popular idea that you are stuck with whatever movie you purchased is a fallacy. If you do not like the direction that your movie-life is taking, re write it, redirect it, re-act it out. 

When a movie becomes too much for you, in the case of a violent movie, or too scary for you to handle as in the case of horror shows, it is by your choice you get up and walk out of it. Why would you  stay in the movie if you are unhappy with it? For the average $15/movie price? Not worth it. In the same way you walked into a movie theater, you can walk out. When you are done or dissatisfied with an experience you have the choice of walking out.This is not the same as quitting prematurely, far from it in fact. Life is all about experiences and choosing your experiences is what life is all about. Those who believe that they have no choice in life's circumstances are those who are entrenched in a victim mentality.  So pick your movie well, and do  not judge it based on the snippets of a preview. 

Hope you have reserved yourself the best seat in the theater.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Dancing steps

Dancing steps

We love to dance. Old or young, regardless of gender, race, creed or even experience, we love to dance. The rhythmic movements of our bodies as we glide, swing, fly or leap from one position to another to the beat of the music. We are always on the go whether it is via work or at home, and in so doing we are literally always dancing. If a musical tone is playing in the background we will pause for a moment as our minds drift off to the rhythms and beats and our bodies will try to catch up. Even if it is the gentle tapping of our toes or the soft rapping of our fingers with the oscillation of our hips with the nodding of our heads, our bodies slowly jive to a rhythm. We go from step to step without care. If there is no one else around we are unencumbered by doubts and shyness and begin a freer more natural motion. If someone sees us we immediately withdraw and become conscious of  our actions. 

Quite often we exist within our lives very superficially. Hurrying from Point A to B to C etcetera we perform this dance from step to step to step. We forget that it is not necessarily the steps that are important but the in-between movements that carry the weight. We rush through our lives essentially rushing through the movements and not appreciating the steps along the way. If there is no depth in understanding or more over appreciation of the dance itself how can we appreciate the life that we have. Between the steps is the infinite space that may last a finite time when unacknowledged, or the finite space may last an infinite time with the right momentary awareness. The choice is in your hands of whether you simply go through the motions of the steps or appreciate the steps in the dance.  

Dancing can be exhausting like a work out especially if all we are focussed on is the steps. Yet if we are alive in the moment going from step to step, but aware of the space in between we actually are energized to become something more than we are. That is when we experience the energy of the universe pulsating with each beat and with no beat within our consciousness and throughout the spirit. It is only in the space in between the steps, the movements and the actions that the soul or the Self exists. Too quick motions we miss that opportunity to see ourselves. My suggestion would be simply to slow down the dance and "feel " the steps as they come across and embrace the space in between the steps as you nurture the soul to express it Self to jump out and dance with you. Two engaging partners, you and the Self melodiously dancing away with effortless ease and in rhythm through life. Do not worry if someone is watching you dance your heart  out, you might just be the inspiration they need to join in.

Dance with Me, said the universe to You

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Paying up your co pay

Paying up your co-pay

In the USA we have a very complex health care system and when you go to the doctors office, you must pay a small amount of money to the health care practice, whereby your health insurance will pay the remaining of the contracted amount. Without the co-pay, the health insurance is  not complete, and services may not be rendered, this is similar to our lives. We all have some degree of a "co-pay" to contribute towards the "insurance" which is represented by our joy, our happiness, our peace. We have to make a conscious effort of contribution. That in essence is the co-pay, it is our contribution to the whole insurance of our betterment, physical,mental, and spiritual. The co-pay varies per person, depending on the insurance held. Similarly the amount of energy you put in to ensure your continued happiness also varies depending on whatever situation you are in. The self nature of good deeds, thoughts, and actions assists in the completing of the wholesome picture of peace of mind and spirit. 

There is another entity called the deductible. It is the amount of money that has to be put forward by you towards your insurance plan, after which the bills are picked up by the insurance company. Some consumers have a higher deductible than others. Higher the deductible, the lower the monthly premium to be paid to maintain the insurance. To most of us this is a very confusing  and inefficient use of resources and finances yet it is the system in place for most people. Think of it in another way. The  more stress we have in our lives and the more chaotic we make our living situations, the more we have to use our insurance policy. The more deductible that has to be paid before we can use the policy, is indicative of the efforts that we have to put  in to try to find the opportunities for advancement of our peace. Sometimes the deductible is too high to be able to even get to use the insurance policy, yet that is correlated with the amount of efforts that have to be made to find the peace in  the first place. 

Yet the co-pay must be brought at the time of service. This is simply the right attitude. With this shift of focus the attitude is the copay that instigates the delivery of divine healing services. The right attitudes activate the appropriate changes within you to bring forth the necessary changes that you need in your life. Putting one step foot forward to accept the help is the key. The efforts to meet your deductible through patience, through gratitude, through faith are all contributions to the pot after which the universal insurance policy of abundance of happiness, success and peace takes over ensuring your continued well being. One of the biggest problems is that we do not have enough patience with ourselves on our quest for the higher qualities of living. We fall short of our required  deductible  with the short comings of gratitude and faith and never get to use the insurance that is a non refundable or a non revocable policy granted by the universe to each and every one of us. Read the fine print in your heart and soul and you will know that this is true. 

The premium is the monthly amount paid to maintain the policy. If you are a person with more ill health then you need a better insurance plan usually requiring a higher premium. The better plan is usually also one with a decent sized deductible, with a manageable co-pay. The vicious cycle to get into and maintain the costlier plan is a tough one to break. The healthier you are through better living, eating, exercising and general outlook on life, you are doing a lot of preventative health maintenance that will help you achieve the cheaper plan that requires less efforts. You get the lower premium by keeping in accordance with your good  health features such as better eating, sleeping and exercising. You obtain the lower deductible with less efforts by maintaining a more sound and simpler life. Less distractions, less technology, less splintering of the mind enables you to lead more focussed and more attentive lives, hence the lower deductible is achieved. The co pay is usually something you just have to pay up at the time of service. Yet overall,the cheaper the plan,the lower the co pay. The right attitude is that co pay. You  just have to bring it with you to all of the divine appointments. I hope you never to use your physical insurance policy, yet your spiritual one is always available and ever ready to use at no charge. 

Got your co-pay?