Thursday, June 29, 2017

The illusion

The illusion

It is in the illusion that I cannot be healed lies my greatest fallacy. The chasms of my pain have been traversed and have been mapped out. The repressed feelings over many life times are like  hidden treasures that are discovered and catabolized  into nuggets of grace. Emotional pain has been ostracized by society and those who are sensitive or highly empathic are rewarded to shut the doors of their hearts and deal with their grief, heart break and vulnerabilities in their own way. By being silent. 

That has changed. No more are the angry cries of freedom unheard and nor are the raw gifts of solitary confusion accepted. This is a time of great upheaval for the resonance of the soul. A time for the inner voices to sing their unsung songs of purpose and purity.  When you draw the curtain you uncover only darkness. It is in this dark of dark that you and I have laid our heads to a hardened ground and cried our hearts out for help. The assistance arrives with great expedience as we take the first step to bring about a change. It is in the unveiling of the curtains of despair that clear directions are carved out in our minds. 

When the orphans of the heart such as compassion, understanding, patience and tolerance, have been accepted and integrated only then can the healing begin. The illusion is disspelled and the true magic of an unfolding heart is revealed in all its glory. Bringing in love to the light the candle of the cob webbed mind is the first step. The allowing it to breathe and grow is the second step. 

There is a sequence to these orphans as they unlock the heavy doors of apathy, but to each person the sequence is  unique. The choice of the first step requires a stance. A position that will break the inertia by letting go of unwarranted fears and dissolutioned ideas, but it all starts with you making that choice.

The illusion is simply a well orchestrated parlor trick of the mind to keep the true magic of the heart disguised. Open your eyes and your hearts and the truth is revealed. 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Show me the money

Show me the money

For years money has always been a deciding factor and drive in the things I do, things I buy, and the choices I make. This is probably what the vast majority of people on our planet use to meet their physical needs. When things feel unsettled I gravitate towards them for a deeper understanding as to why. What lesson does it hold for me. Money came up. I was reminded of a very old memory growing up seeing how the barter system works in other countries. When it comes to buying fruits, vegetables and minor commodities street handlers run the show and i recall the typical scene of haggling. An ancient tradition rooted in humanity of haggling for a better price. But the part that bothered me is the negotiation and the immediate dismissal of a poorer person after taking the goods and giving them in return less than the asking price and walking away. Some of you may be thinking " are you crazy you can't do that" True but it happens every day of every moment in every part of the world and if you are not familiar with this experience it is perhaps because you do not negotiate with the larger companies that provide your goods. On that same point I would not think twice about trying to negotiate the price of a sack of potatoes at the grocery store or the cost of a shoe at the department store yet will spend considerable time arguing with a lesser individual one on one. Is it the human one to one connection that enables this versus the corporate store that bears a sterile outlook? Maybe, but then a direct connection means I should negotiate better for both of us and not just one person. Maybe its me, but this topic has brought me terrible heart break. 

The balance of power through out the world has been  made unequal with a destabilizing   of status with currency. Money has kept people and families poles apart. I do not hate money. I am shifted to understand that the future to realign a planet and its people will have to come from a removal of that that has kept them apart. Idealistically every one helps the other person become better. Everyone gets the care, respect and the human desires that they need by someone else as they integrate to help the collective. Communism? Hardly. A dirty word fueled by wars and singular angry governments and individuals that turned the simple notion of "help your fellow man " ( mind you a concept that has originated long before communism and settled in religion and other ancient beliefs) into " heck with your fellow man."

The needs will be met by all and for all. Simple right? Yet we have outgrown our needs to the over expression of our mind ego that has resulted in greed, arrogance and the unending and never fulfilling desire for stuff. That may require toning down. Such ideology is already in full successful  swing in many countries where everyone "pulls" their weight and helps in development of the nation and the planet. Again this is not communism which is shrinking and not expanding in its old form around the globe.

Foolish idea? no money? If your value is as important as the next person there lies no reason for money. If you get what you need without a want and continue to pay it forward with your deeds, I see this as a win. The key here is seeing your value as equal to another. I find my self no greater part of the hospital as a physician as the hospital cleaning persons who I greet by first name daily. If my ego is lowered, I find my heart expanded higher to aide and love. 

By the way, if you think that a non monetary system is not going to be reality then think again. The destabilization of the world economies is not coincidence and neither is the continued chaos. Change is coming. Not tomorrow but soon. Decades, but in cosmic terms it is a blink of an eye. We are one world and one collective species. There will be no demarcations of sex, age, color, religion, poverty etc. There is only one color and that is the frequency of unconditional love.

I choose to live in that world of utopia, and strive to make it that by changing me every day with that energy of love. Join me, the future is so much brighter than your present world.     

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The froth

The froth

The news, the sensational media, the political and financial climates around the world has all fueled an uproar of emotions that has created all sorts of unrest in the hearts and minds of the citizens of the globe. The churning continues as the world continues to appear to be falling into a chaotic chasm of death, destruction, and despair. I see it differently.

I love coffee and fabricating caffeinated beverage creations. I take the hot milk and then I can either use a steam wand or a fast bladed spinner and make the heated milk foam as latte, machiatto or a cappuccino and I enjoy watching the foam separate out from the other parts of the milk that fall behind. It is this very idea that is occurring on a massive unconscious level to the collective consciousness of our planet. We are spinning, churning so rapidly it gives the appearance of total chaos, yet like the spinning milk of our unconscious, anew product emerges. The froth of our enlightened conscious mind. Separation  of the mind and heart from old fears, past ideals and rote based traditions is occurring and will continue to do so until the new lighter, kinder gentler and higher frequency part of our nature and divinity emerge. Purer, cleaner and in fact tastier consciousness is the end result. Patience, and  a steady hand will bring about a more fruitful froth, not just in appearance but in texture and flavor. So too the separation is paramount to bring forth the froth ! 

Give not care for the spinning of the chaos that is the illusion of the world but more the actions of your careful hand as it enables the future to form from a space of love. The steadier your hand in contributing to the future with dedication, compassion and self awareness, the better will the froth of your and the collective consciousness emerge. If you are shaky during the separation of the milk or your mind and heart then the concoction you are attempting to make will falter and fail as will the collective. 

Bring forth your light and love and make a future visioned world as beautiful as the finest beverage you can create. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017



I travel in a world of mirrors. All that I see is a reflection of aspects of me. If you look carefully you will see this too. What you see is not an aspect of another, yet an aspect of yourself. It is when you choose to engage it, you begin to own that part of you and can work on it.

When you feel love for someone you are feeling that which you need to expand on in yourself, in other words more love. When you feel unhappy with someone you are not really unhappy with that person, it is the unhappiness within you that is resonating. When you are angry at a situation that has occurred it is the   frustration  within you about that situation that leads you to anger. The same concept applies to judgment. Jealousy, greed, ignorance to name a few are all aspects that are mirrored by others for us to see within ourselves. If you are jealous about someone's success it is the  irritability that you have not achieved your full potential that bothers you. When I see greed at a dinner table for example, it is the greed within myself that I too wanted more in excess of what I already had that knocks on my subconscious door. When we see  ignorance in others, it is our own incompleteness of knowledge that needles our fragile psyche. 

Yet when we see the beauty in others it is the non judgmental beauty of our own souls that we see in our ourselves. When I see the politeness or courteousness in another it is the same quality hidden with in me that resonates and is recalled. When you see the joy in others achieving their goals, you are reminded of the same feeling as you achieve yours, joy. 

What you resonate out in terms of a vibrational frequency that is seen by others and it is then mirrored back to you. " Birds of a feather flock together" or " misery loves company" are not in fact idle phrases spoken in passing conversation. They describe this phenomenon in every way. It is time to learn from every feeling that you get about someone else what it means to you. A quick pause before reacting helps you identify what is that emotional frequency and then ask yourself what does this moment have to teach me about me. 

Judgements give way to understanding, and reactions pave the way for compassion. It is time to tune yourself to your new bandwidth. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

What if you died and came back?

What if you died and came back?

Life is hectic, and I find my life launching every day at 200mph. It can be hard to focus as my mind tries desperately to tally all the countless stimuli that bombard me from moment to moment. The frustration really comes from my inability to control every thing that is happening. It is our nature to want to control our environments as it gives us a sense of place and the place a sense. It is in this incessant tug of war of control that I find myself, literally find my Self. Here is how. 

In the midst of the storm of hungry kids running in circles around me at arsenic hour or in the middle of the chaos in the hospital with only a hundred things that need to have been done an hour prior, or attempting to reach a deadline that is rapidly approaching and your entire project on the computer inexplicably vanishes , what do you do? Losing my temper is no longer an option. Giving up and throwing in the towel is not acceptable. So what gives. Where is the reset point in a world hurtling out of control towards a brick wall that refuses to move? 

Here is what I do. I take a deep breath in and imagine that I have died. The world and everything that  was going  on before, continues to go on. I simply observe what is happening and "see" it continue and I am just observing the entire situation from another plane, but physically not present. An amazing feeling manifests. It is a sense of calm, knowing that there are times that whatever you try to do it is not going to make a difference in the slightest and the world will persevere  without you." What the heck? Do I not mean anything to the world? " is what mind asks. In fact you matter the most to the world, but you need to be present in order to make a difference and have your presence known. As I observe the world rotating at just as fast a speed as it was without me in it, I am able to pause and become more focussed. 

In the more paused and collected state I am able to summon  a variable that can be reintroduced that will make a difference. The variable of love. In the resetting with the pause, love is a powerful catalyst to transform any moment. I now with another purposeful breath return back into the land of the living storm yet I am inherently NOT who I was a few seconds ago. I infuse love into the moment of return and find that my choices thereafter are more purposeful, on point and transformative. I can now exact the change that I chose to begin with. I can then stop the circling kids and feed them, get all the hospital work done in a prioritized and expedient fashion, or   even find the missing project that was accidentally simply misplaced behind another folder on the screen. The difference to change the world can now be made. The difference is that I died from my mind and was born from my heart.  

What difference can one person make to a world? Well to one person you can make a world of difference. And that person is You. 

Observe. Rejoin. Love. Create. Flow.