Thursday, March 29, 2018

How do you change the world?

How do you change the world?

I have struggled with this question my whole life. Till I asked myself a deeper question. Why do I want to change the world? So this is easily answered.. "For the better of course. " Well,  what's wrong with the world, my mind asked. I proceeded to make a list of all the things that were bad or evil such as global poverty, hunger, bigotry, prejudice, injustice, disease, death, anchovies etc. My heart chimed in and asked " Well what's right with the world?" I immediately started to make an even longer list that included love, friendship, beauty, charity, faith, nature ( oceans, mountains, flowers, forests, sand), animals, birds, ice cream, pizza, rain drops etc ( you get the idea). So then the question popped up again " So why do you want to change the world? It seems that there is a balance of good and bad in the world"

So with my fiery passion  extinguished I abandoned the idea that I had to change the world. Till one day a deeper question raised its head. " Why did I think that I HAD TO CHANGE THE WORLD?" Back to the drawing board. My ego chimed in with a barrage of suggestions that " I had great ideas, I knew the way, there was no way except my own". Sound familiar? Perhaps resembling a crazy misguided Sith apprentice that wanted to rule the galaxy? My heart thank fully responded with the voice of reason "It is everyones place to change the world and mine too, as I am part of the collective consciousness."

Phew. No more solitary pressure or insane Atlas feats to carry the world on my shoulders. Yet the universe asked me the above question once again a little later, but this time with a twist.
" HOW do I change the world?" Since I am not the only one transforming the planet, I realized that I don't have to change the world yet assist others in doing their part to change the world.

It is about terraforming consciousness. Yes I made that up. But it holds true. I cannot make an argument and scream, shout, and get angry to make people do anything. Heck I doubt if most pet owners can make their cat or dog do anything, why think that I can change anyone. We do not show people they are wrong. That basically means that my path is right and yours is wrong, so do it my way. Back to square one. SO I decided that my contribution to "changing the world" would be to show people another path. It is up to them to take it or create their own. My purpose is simply to show you that there IS another way. Your choice to take it. With enough mindful bread crumbs, the primrose path to love and is well on its way to terraforming the human consciousness. One person at a time. One moment at a time.

So how do I change the world? By showing you How YOU can change the world.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change.

The way to transform your world is in your hands.
I love you

Thursday, March 22, 2018

I want to be you

I want to be you.

The other day I was at the gym and I was watching the techniques of some very strong athletes and I jokingly told the coach " I want to be you." He laughed and said funny " I wanted to be you."  I was surprised, yet we both smiled and the encounter diffused. Yet the thought lingered. That is when it dawned on me, that we all want to be someone else when we see their achievements, their abilities, their looks, their financial situation, their social status and so on. Whether it is a friend, a family member, an acquaintance, someone we see in the social media or a magazine or wherever. We are constantly looking to "improve" ourselves by desiring to be someone or something else. Yet rarely is that ever achievable.

It is not until I accept my talents, my gifts, my abilities, my looks, my finances, my social status, my presence in the world, will I actually ever make a dent in anything I choose that I want to become. Owning my spot in the universe is the first step. You and I are here for a reason. It was not by accident that we came into being. We chose this life, which means we chose everything that this life would offer and also chose the reality that we are in. With this premise we can also choose to transform it by owning the reality that we have into what we want it to become. I cannot make a clay pot if I do not own any clay. I cannot sit on my couch and manifest a clay pot, without first owning a clay brick and then work on creating it into something different than a brick. I am not going to build a perfect pot ( I have no idea how to do pottery) yet with a few lessons, an instruction book , a potters wheel,  I will be well on my way to creating something similar. Practice makes perfect.

In order to want to be something different we have to be able to have the desire to change. People and situations trigger this desire within us and build us up to the precipice of trying to improve. When that happens we get the tools we need, in the forms of education, materials, vision, training etc. Once we realign with our sense of belonging and cord ourselves to the reality of vision, the illusion begins to dispel. Can everyone be a king or queen ? No. Because we have not yet owned who we are and what we are here for. Once acknowledged we realize our OWN path, our OWN purpose, unique from someone else's path and purpose. An advice given to me by my coach when I wanted to be like him :" Continue to improve your numbers not mine and you will get to where you want to go."

I want to be you? No. I want to be me and I thank you for helping realizing that.
I love you 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mind over matter

I am convinced that my body is solid and there is nothing else. I can feel it. I can sense the objects that it can touch and so I perceive them to be either solid, liquid or gas. The reaction that I get to my action of touching is a perception and my senses have been conditioned from birth to know that this is tangible and there is nothing nothing beyond it. What is physical is physical and it cannot be disputed says the mind. I stand upright and don't fall over the earth by an unseen force called gravity. I sense temperature even though I cannot see it, and feel either heat or cold. I can not see the wind yet I feel its effects. I also perceive what the unseen can effect like movement of the trees explaining the wind, or the burning of matchstick signifying heat from a flame or the the fall of leaf to depict gravity. I live in a world of senses and chained to them I can only perceive this and nothing more.... with my mind.

If I open my heart to something far greater I am rendered dumbfounded with what is out there beyond my 5 limiting senses. Intuition, wisdom, understanding, love. All are not constructs of the mind but perceptions with the sensing of the heart space, an infinitely more potent field. There are many energetic fields that surround us. Some call them auric fields. There is the physical field, mental field, emotional field, relationship field, and spiritual field. Each one extends out from the physical body and each one has different features of how we interact with our various environments such as other physical bodies, other peoples emotions, our relationships and our higher Self and spiritual realms. Simplified, When the fields are out of sync then things in our lives go out of sync and we succumb to disease, unhealthy relationships,  problems and troubles pop up, ailments, in essence our world turns upside down. Yet within these fields we carry the knowledge to fix them too. All our hopes, goals, dreams, purposes, ideas are all stemming like a light bulb radiating light from the center, we radiate all this from our heart space through our energetic fields.

All these fields bump in to everyone else's fields as well. If in frequency and harmonic the harmony occurs and we have similar ideas, we like each other, we understand and cooperate and share knowledge. When out of vibrational frequency the opposites happen. Imagine everyone wearing multicolored bubbles and roaming around bumping into one another. The further out from our heart space and body these fields can extend for miles. The more potent and energetic one is, the fields go even higher and farther. Ever sensed what a loved one is feeling and be correct right down to the penny and then pick up the phone and call them up, and you both are shocked at the exact conversation you both were sensing? Intuition? Sorta. That's energetic field transmission. You and that person are linked energetically. This happens when you open up your heart space. Ever had similar dreams and deja vue? Thats energetic and astral travel. Different story, but brought up here as it is still an energetic field issue.

Everything is energy. Everything is a wave. Everything is a spectrum. When we pause and stop to look at the wave the energy becomes solid and we see a physical form. If you don't look, then everyone returns back to energetic states and continues as flowing in their streams of consciousness, only to return back when needed for interaction with the physical dimension. Think of it like a river flowing smoothly and if you put your foot in the river you disrupt the flow. Or are you really adding to the flow? At which point ripples occur. That's you adding your unique energetic field to the flow of collective consciousness.

Healing of these energetic fields and boundaries is called energetic medicine. That is what I do. Your energy fields possess your identity, your purpose, your origins, your lifetimes, your future. Respect your energy and respect the energies of others.
I love you

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cracking the Mirror

Cracking the mirror

As you travel through the day you see all sorts of aspects and qualities of humanity. Some you like, and some you don't. Some will attract you, some will repulse you. You see a beautiful person and you like seeing that, yet you see someone else who behaves badly, you are repelled by it. Why?

This is because of a concept known as  mirroring. Would it surprise you to learn that all human characteristics good or bad or ugly all exist within everyone and we choose to explore various qualities depending on the social or life situation that we are presented with at any given time. All of humanity exists within us and we exist within all of humanity. You see beauty only because there is beauty within you to witness, and if you see bad behavior for example arrogance, then there is an aspect of arrogance that exists within you. People are in our lives to allow us the opportunity to see ourselves in a different light and grow. Everyone is a mirror. It is your choice to see a magnificent reflection in each person or to see a convoluted distorted reflection in others while you yourself suffer from the same distorted qualities. It is hard to accept the negative nature of ourselves as we are held together by ego. Yet the more we embody the idea of the mirroring we become more aware of the qualities within us.

When this happens we discover something quite extraordinary. If there is something we like, then we in fact like it within and can expand that quality. If there is something we don't like then once we recognize it within we have the choice of evolving from it and changing. Play this game with yourself through the day noting likes and dislikes when you encounter various people. If you are concerned about the socially taboo idea of " judging someone" well you are right, you are judging, however you will soon discover that you are judging yourself.  Make the list and then explore it. I can help you with that. As you dissect it you will begin to "feel" some thing more. This feeling is a trigger. Exploring your triggers can be a lifetime chore or a lifetime adventure of self realization.

We love to comment or judge others. It's human nature. So why not practice on yourself. I mean what do you have to lose? What do you have to gain? Everything. Self empowerment.
I love you

Thursday, March 1, 2018

First world problems

First world problems

Yet another night when all the house smoke alarms turn on in orchestral unison at 3am. 8 days of this in a row will keep the entire family awake and sleep deprived. All the alarms will have to replaced. The wife's cell phone malfunctions and is irreparable, need to get another one. The cooking range hood motor seized, guess I am going to have to call someone to fix that. My car is at the mechanics and looks like the engine may have to be replaced piece by piece. The stereo system in the family room has suddenly decided not to play any of the music that it is meant to play. Well that was a waste.

Overwhelmed, frustrated, I threw my hands to the heavens asking for redemption and understanding as to why am I incurring the wrath of the machine technology gods. My mind slowly drifts to the article that I read about the hunger and the famine in many countries. My heart melts and I realize the seemingly insignificance of my inconveniences. These people have no home, and I am worrying about smoke alarms  in my house. They have no communication abilities yet are able to relate to one another without the cell phone. They use an open fire in front of their shanty home without any use of a range hood. The only transportation they know is that which isbelow their waist or on the back of a domestic animal. The only music that many of these people hear is the singing of their own voices or that of the birds.

I wake up to the realization that these are first world problems and no matter how overwhelming they are still related to an inconvenience and not a survival necessity. When millions have no access to food, water, healthcare, shelter or education and are in a constant state of stress and unfortunately due to their situation they may never ever get out of their predicaments. When we look at another's life through their eyes we can shift perspectives and unleash compassion. Compassion means literally to suffer with someone else. We all know this differentiation of first world problems and third world troubles, yet we still grumble and get upset when the microwave doesn't work or the ice dispenser malfunctions or a light bulb goes out, or the coffee machine misbehaves. I would offer a simple pause, and looking at my inconvenience offer a silent blessing and love to anyone on the planet who is less fortunate than me. This innocent act resets my anger to one of compassion and gets me back to a state of balance. Once more patient and centered I can focus on resolving my problem calmer, more expediently and effectively.

Holding space for someone else with compassion inherently helps heal us as well.
I love you