Thursday, September 20, 2018

I dont know

I don't know

I have heard this phrase countless times with always a sense of frustration, yet I myself use it often. When I ask someone a question and their response is " I don't know" it aggravates me. So I analyzed why am I irritated or frustrated  or even perturbed by it. Perhaps it is more that I was indecisive in that area of question and so I was handing over my power to make my decision over to someone else, and when they could not give me direction, I was feeling unsettled. Yet " I don't know" is very grounding. It take a lot to hold the ego at bay to shrug your shoulders and repeat these words. It takes a lot to hold back the shame to admit " I don't know." The ego wants us to give an answer that may not be true as ego always want to be right and be first to respond and be in a state of pride, yet the shame does not want to give the answer that may be true due to lack of confidence, or courage. Both play important roles in keeping our conversations flowing and our minds in motion.

Yet when we say " I don't know" a genuine state of balance emerges. Neither ego nor shame have a say. One might say with confirmation " I don't know"  where this is a genuine lack of knowledge. Perhaps. Yet to admit it, takes confidence to be correct ( ego and shame together in harmonic balance). It is powerfully humbling to make this statement of " I don't know" as it centers and re-equilibrates the  mind with the heart to allow a more focused and true response later on. It is the pause between decisions and the connection between the beginning and the end of a conversation or idea.

Never be too proud to admit " I don't know" and never be too ashamed to state " I don't know." In the end these four little words can stave off a bad decision if you are inclined like me to open my mouth first and later check what came out !!

Where do we go from here? Honestly, I don't know.
I love you (of that I am certain)

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Gratitude journal

Having gratitude is one of the single most empowering act I can perform. I am a firm believer in adopting a habit of writing in a gratitude journal. I cannot be grateful for the big things in life if I am  not grateful for the smallest things that happen daily in my life.

(Small Excerpt from my gratitude journal)

I am thankful for this universe
I am thankful for this galaxy with all its stars and planets
I am thankful for this solar system for our planets
I am thankful for our sun that provides light, energy, nourishment.
I am thankful for this planet.
I am thankful for this country
I am thankful for this state
I am thankful for this county
I am thankful for this city/town
I am thankful for this neighbor hood
I am thankful for the neighbors I have around me
I am thankful for the house we live in
I am thankful for the functional fridge for it stores food
I am thankful for the functional dishwasher as it washes dishes
I am thankful for the functional stove to make food
I am thankful for the running clean water in the home
I am thankful for the electricity in the home
I am thankful for the functional cars that help us go to different places
I am thankful for the furniture I have
I am thankful for all the functioning appliances and possessions
I am thankful for the bed i sleep in
I am thankful for my wife and kids
I am thankful my parents
I am thankful for my extended family
I am thankful for my functioning healthy body
I am thankful for my eyes for they can see, and I have beautiful things to see
I am thankful for my ears for they can hear, and I have beautiful things to hear
I am thankful for my nose for it can smell and I have aromatous things to smell
I am thankful for my tongue for it can taste and I have delicious foods to taste
I am thankful for my skin for it can protect and touch, and I have things to touch
I am thankful for all my well functioning organs
I am thankful for limbs
I am thankful for my bones, muscles, tissues, ligaments
I am thankful for my blood
I am thankful for my DNA
I am thankful for my brain
I am thankful for my intellect
I am thankful for my many gifts
I am thankful for the ability to help others
I am thankful for the opportunities that come my way
I am thankful for being a healer
It is very easy to complain about anything around us, yet by becoming grateful or thankful we restore balance to our mind, heart, body, consciousness, and spirit
I love you 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Remaking yourself

We are constantly rebuilding ourselves. Day in and day out. Every idea that breaks our thought patterns is there to challenge us to rethink our life, and our place in it. Any new teachings or experiences that we encounter may either break our foundations or become the ingredients to rebuild it stronger.

I have encounter this on numerous times throughout my life, through readings, teachers and explorations of new experiences that will cause me to rethink and reshape my foundations and ideas and afford me the opportunity to rebuild anew. When paradigms shift so the energetics. The body not the mind is the filter to our soul when new experiences are encountered. I try to always ask my body before I make a decision whether it is as simple as going to the gym, or picking a meal to eat, or more complicated life decisions. For centuries we have called this our gut instinct, but there is truth to this. When I hear about someone else's experiences my mind wants to make it mine, or if I am told to do something, it is my body that feels the "pressure" to do it. Yet a simple pause and quiet query to my body will get the answer to either do or do not.

It is very important in this high speed digital age of social media and connectivity to be able to slow down for a few seconds and take control of the situation. Who is running the show? The mind filters the senses and stimulations and keeps most to process through or dreams, yet the body is constantly also bombarded with the energetics of others and the shifts of experiences. The more healthy and tuned the  body becomes, the more aware we aware of our choices and circumstances. The more self aware the better choices we make for better futures.

We should never be afraid to re create our foundations and grow them stronger each day with the evolution through experiences and teachings. We are constantly rebuilding, re sculpting, and reshaping ourselves.

You are remaking yourself into the image of YOUR CHOICE.

You are beautiful the way you are each day.
I love you

Friday, August 31, 2018

Lessons from Vines

Lessons from Vines

No garden or landscape is ever completely free of the ever present vines. They grow quickly and can take over entire lands in short periods of time. They are hard to destroy and keep at bay. Yet nature is a great teacher and affords us an important lesson. The significance of vines metaphorically has a great impact in our lives and if heeded  early can help us tremendously. Vines are very tenacious and each branch or tendril shoots off ever more of its self and becomes quite invasive in any garden. They strangle the vegetation and kill it without mercy. Trees, bushes, plants, vegetables all are equal opportunity for the destruction by these vines.

Vines represent the problematic issues  of life that effect anyone and everyone regardless of rank or status in life. They teach us the draining nature of time and effort that is spent dealing with these issues. When dealing with worldly arduous problems they seem to literally choke the life out of us on our spiritual journey and restrict and hinder our progress. Social media, news, politics are notorious for fueling distractions that keep us from our inner sacred path. We get wrapped up in these issues much like the vines and the entanglement can be difficult to extricate. We usually require outside help with this endeavor to help us sever from these issues. Vines can leave scars on their victims such as trees, and so these global distractions do the same to our psyche.

No matter how many good seeds we have planted in our landscape of garden of our minds, and hearts, these pesky vines of problems can make short work to all the fruit of our labors. Even one small vine can grow to create havoc, much like how one small negative problem can take root and upset a well balanced mind and heart that is full of blossoming love. They do not distinguish whether the delicate or the hardy plants are to be effected, and so too is the case with global socioeconomic and geopolitical climates when transmitted through news, media and idle gossip.

Not all vines are bad to the plants. Such as the example of poison ivy that hurts us but not the wild vegetation like trees. It keeps us away. In doing so, the distractions in our lives that are restricting and mind numbingly strangulating us, also serve a purpose to ground. If our path is all spiritual then we live in a high or euphoria or fantasy perceptions without getting grounded back into reality. The pause from constant spiritual bombardment allows us the time to regroup and gather our "whys" that set us on a path of enlightenment.

Lastly how do you get rid of vines. You have to get to the source. Find out what, why, how, where and when for all these troubles, see the bigger picture, and extricate our selves from the problematic negative distractions. Sever the root of the vine of life and you stand a chance at evolutionary success.
I love you

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Where does your self worth come from?

Where does your worth come from?

I have struggled with this conundrum for many a decade. Part of the problem is the understanding of the question. Self worth vs outward material worth. I think both are connected. Our material worth is inherently linked to our self worth. The greater the appreciation for self worth, the greater the material worth we create. We attract more outward to the inward when we are content and ready to receive. This state of being is a natural state when we become balanced.

Yet it is also a state that requires definition when our heart and immortal spirit are filtered through a manifested mind. Worth is itself formless. As deep as any ocean it remains constantly in motion and difficult to grasp when we observe it from the point of view of the mind. Yet when felt within the heart it appears with fortitude and passion.

Self worth is as unique as our fingerprint. It is an individualized quality that is ever present. It accompanies our psyche and molds to external stimuli if not paid attention to. If we are given praise, our self worth appears to rise. If we are berated, our self worth deflates. True self worth does not rise and fall with the tide or the waves of other peoples emotions or life's circumstances.

Self worth is created in the heart that mines the dreams and sculpts the hopes into realities. The greater the self worth, the increased likelihood of a successful career, relationships, and opportunities. Self worth emboldens self empowerment. It all starts with defining ourselves. Who are we? and What place do we have in the world?

Each of us deserve to be here. Each of us deserve to be heard. Each of us can make a difference.

You are worthy.
I love you

Thursday, August 16, 2018

View from the camera

The view through the camera.

There are times when it feels that life has not presented to me what I had believed I wanted out of it. After all, why did my thoughts not manifest the reality of my choice, like all the self help books foretell? I have agonized over this question till I understood the use of the camera. Allow me to share an idea with you.

Looking at a beautiful landscape and desiring it to be mine is akin to viewing the landscape and capturing a snap shot of it with a camera and taking it home. The landscape is the dream, the camera the mind. It requires careful observation through a view finder, and then focusing with a lens. Adjusting the aperture, the sensitivity, the shutter speed and with a steady hand taking the shot of what I want to capture. Same is with the concept of manifestation of reality.

First to be able to view the landscape requires letting go of the judgement, the prejudices and the delusions that surround the idea in order to dream unencumbered.   These are blinders to the eyes of the soul represented by the lens cap that needs removing before any image can be taken. The power of the thought then is the idea of what that dream represents. The view finder is the vision of that dream image as it still is not tangible, till I start focusing with the use of my lens. By adding the knowledge of balance and love, I modify the settings and focus of my image that is held in the heart. I must be either patient to capture the image or quick enough and this means that I must play with the shutter speed of my mind. With the correct words of intention I get ready for the shot.

With the pressing of the button I engage the power of action. The steady hand is faith  is the trust in myself and the universe that my dreams will come to pass and I will get to capture the idea. Reality then manifests when I print out my picture. Framing the picture is the success I would feel having obtaining the sought after dream.

In this way the power of thought, word, action, and focus of vision are able to create some of the most stunning photography of my life. Try it, you may be surprised that your life already has manifested your dreams in various avenues. Just because it does not match up to a fantasy does not mean that the universe did not grant your idea, request or dream.

Empower yourself, you already have a camera, and it works just fine.
I love you

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Failure is not an option

Failure is not an option, it is a choice.

When we are led to an option it is a thing, or fixed concept. When we are led to make a decision it is a choice. And so what ever path we are presented before us is an option. Which path we take however is a choice. In doing so we accept the consequences of all that will elate us or befall us.

Failure is no different. When we lament on the failure and pretend that we did not "want" this option, we are deluding ourselves. When we plead ignorance of the choice, we are simply declaring that we did not spend the requisite time to look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the option.

So when we are faced with failures of marriages or relationships, or a  job or career or a financial opportunity, or many such events in life, it is not luck or disgrace or abandonment or depression that is the cause. These are just byproducts of the disadvantages of the option that was chosen. If we look at the advantages of the same option no matter how bad it may appear, we realize that we simply did not see all the vantage points of that option before choosing.

Failure is not a bad thing, even though given a terrible connotation. Failure serves the purpose of making us look at all the options again. Start at ground zero. Relook at our flight plan. Pause, reflect, re-decide. The beautiful thing about the universe is that it will always afford the chance at re-choosing the option. Failure means accepting the vulnerability. Failure means not just getting up off the ground, but instead stepping forward with another choice.

If we have never experienced failure, then we have not lived.
I love you

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Lessons from weeds

Lessons from weeds

I recently have had an explosion of weeds in my garden, unlike other years I have been able to stay on top of them, till recently they have become overpowering. So I stopped to ask nature for an explanation and reference of what the weeds in my landscape of life signify so that I may learn from them.

Weeds are like negative thoughts that are constantly blooming. These thoughts are an annoyance of time and energy. They compete for the life of my mind's landscape as they do  for my attention, as if to cry out " I am more important than all your other thoughts."  Negative thoughts and fears run wild like these weeds and can sour any mood. Aesthetically these weeds are not nice to observe by others and so too these harmful invading thoughts are unsightly on my frowned angry face.

Weeds or bad thoughts grow with the emotional waters brought by the rain storms of fear and anxiety or through the lack of drainage of anger and envy. These weeds rest deep into the soil of my mind and then grow. Weeds are also brought in by animals or other people or media in the form of waste, by virtue of gossip and idle chatter and slanderous untruths. Weeds can come from neighboring sources , or rather the conversations with people I may meet along the way. My landscapes or gardens of creativity are over wrought with these weeds of invasion.

Weeds take in the light of my energy and my emotional waters  grow and spread like wildfire. The only sure way to clear up weeds is preventing them from growing. I can try to burn them all out with anger, yet I risk the damage to nearby good shrubbery that hold healthy truths of my heart. I must stop the gossip and chatter with the weed chemicals and prevent further germination. I can cover up my landscapes with tarps of love to prevent further growth. Plucking the weeds is time consuming and can be fraught with challenge, yet this too must be done, as buried deep are the seeds of negative deeds.

Once clear, I shall plant healthy plants of truth and allow my lawn of life and landscapes of creativity to flourish.
I love you

Friday, July 27, 2018

Do you know your digital twin?

Do you know your Digital Twin?

It has been an amazing journey of innovation meets personality over the last 20 years where we have seen tremendous advances in the world of  information technology. What once was the paper medical record in the doctors office that contained detailed health information under lock and key only in the physicians office, is now electronically imbedded in some ambiguous cloud box in the internet. With ever growing vast sums of information about you being  accumulated with each visit to a hospital or office visit or lab test that is now attached to your identification. In a snap shot most of everything about your mind and body is computed and stored. This is what I like to call your inner digital twin.

Now enter social media with cookies and gps tracking all your shopping, eating and traveling and personal interests and habits. Once again this compilation of data creates another part of your digital twin. We continue to post our inner fantasies that become realities for common interest, perhaps adulation, or even sharing of knowledge. Many times " innocent" and yet smart tracking systems devised to" help" us get more access to shopping, eatery or other options that work faster, are adopted  in the name of convenience.

Our cars, our phones, or kitchen accessories like fridges and coffee makers, learn our choices very carefully. Gadgets like Fitbits, Iwatch, running apps and devices, automatic BP machines and countless others that continue to assimilate the most personal of information about our pulse, oxygen use, sleeping habits, respiratory status, health conditioning, gait, walking or running styles, and numerous other parameters. These together are the building blocks of our digital twin. In the virtual world with new gaming technology we can virtually play, communicate and compete with others without ever leaving the comfort of our own home.

With the advent of new biometric recognition such as fingerprint, retinal scan, personal key codes, and facial recognition algorithms we surrender every part of our most intimate uniqueness and unload it to the digital twin that is waiting to be born. Unknowingly it has already been birthed as artificial intelligence such as the new smartphones that can tell what mood you are in when you look at the screen. In doing so, a host of choices can be presented to you based on prior data of who you are mentally, physically, spiritually and so on. The smart phones are your supercomputers to access the entire world, much more than ever being a real phone. Texting, emailing, use of chat apps are the norm of instant communication instead of picking up the phone and talking to another human. Are you even sure that you are communicating with another human when you text or are you getting their digital twin?

Have you noticed like I have that you are constantly being bombarded by the same advertisements of sellable items that you may have expressed a fleeting interest at one point yet now it is being hinted at you constantly in the side columns of your email, pandora, web browsing screens? I wonder how much of coercion my Digital twin is applying on me to bend to its will?

This is the age that we live in, with both benefits and drawbacks of all that has been created. The big questions that really need to be asked are who controls the digital twin? Do you? or do the profiteering marketeers ?  Or are you controlled by your digital twin and are unaware that most things in your life are being dictated by your twin in the name of convenience?

Does your digital twin love you?
I love you

Friday, July 20, 2018

matters of the soul

I have been asked what is the difference between the soul, the body and you. 

My answer is fairly simple. You are the soul,and you have a body. This body is not you, and yet you are the driver of the mortal frame. It is your vehicle to interact within a manifest universe. Ethereal to solid. 

You as the soul are interfacing with this reality through this physical body and all its senses  in this realm at this particular time to fulfill a task or purpose. This is known as an experience. 

Your body is a finely tuned machine, that holds all knowledge within the cells as part of DNA. The key is to access that knowledge and apply it. This is known as wisdom. When you listen to your body and its various energy centers you access this wisdom. 

The mind in its executive centers remain logical and task oriented, and is able to see things with a clearer and  more objective perspective. When we are in our emotional centers in the brain, we are polarized and do not see things for what they are,  but as we want or wish them to be, regardless of whether it is scary or blissful, good or bad. 

Listen to your body, it will guide you. When the pressures of ideas of others or your own, or the stress to act or not to act based on the voice of others or your own can all be filtered through the body. These stressors are what makes us either speak or act irrationally or impulsively. 

Follow your soul's voice for it knows the way. 
I love you

Thursday, July 12, 2018


For the longest time I have been subservient to my anger, and to my envy. This has led me to blame others when events in my life did not go according to my plans. After all I was blameless. This was my defense mechanism and my way of coping with hardships and missed opportunities. This was an arduous journey.

When I began to blame myself for the issues at hand, I discovered that my journey had begun to shorten. With more accountability  and  responsibility for my thoughts, words and actions I felt more empowered, and determined to fix what I believed to have been broken goals and out of reach dreams.

It was only until I blamed no one for any event, circumstance or situation, that I realized that on my journey, I had already arrived. Everything that had happened to me was simply gearing me up for a learning experience. It was my ego that defined it as good or bad. By labeling it with a perspective I stayed chained to the definition of elation or defeat.

When I transcended labeling and the blaming of others and myself, I was able to see a hidden balance and order of things that expressed itself as love. We all undertake a journey of self discovery and sometimes travel far off course to find it. Yet sometimes the journey is not about finding a path or even knowing that you are on a path. It is a about the realization that the path is you and you are the path in this moment of now.

Be inspired to live blame free, it is a wonderful thing.
I love you

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Story time

Story time

I settle in for the night and pick up a book to read. My mind begins to wander. I nestle into the book with more focus and turn the pages. Yet my mind continues to remind me of affairs of the day, events of the week, ills of my life. The attempts at concentration are just that. Attempts. No matter how hard I try the thoughts becomes louder voices echoing in my mind of missed opportunities, failed misadventures, and painful memories. I close my eyes to block out the intruders, to no avail. I begin to breath heavy, and my heart pounds faster. The sweat on my brow appears as if I have walked through the rain. I drop my book. I know that my predicaments are self made. The cycle must be broken or I risk it to continue at my peril. 

I must regain control. And so I begin to meditate. In the middle of the storm of mental gunfire, the only one who can take control of both sides of the war that is waging within is me. I do this with my breathing. The only thing that goes with me at all times and with every pulse. I quickly access this tool, and begin to breath deep, long and hard. I shift the gear and the pace, to slow it down and breathe deep and long, and then breathe slower and more naturally. My pulse has returned to its original beat, having been derailed by my mind. My thoughts once again begin their tireless task of upsetting my attempt to regain control. Yet the anger begins to subside as does the fear of my stories written into my psyche throughout my life. 

With deeper and deeper breaths I let go of all that ails me with love. I offer love to every facet of hardship and every aspect of failure that I have encountered. The howling winds of my thoughts have died down to a gentle breeze. The torrent of emotion has remained now but a gentle lap on the shores of my mind. I open my eyes to a new wisdom and I brew a new balance into my life. I need not read a book for distraction tonight to put me to sleep , as I welcome the visitor of rest within my heart, mind, body and soul. The visitor brings peace as I no longer hold onto the stories of my life. 

Moral of the story. We are keenly aware of the stories of our lives that continue to play out night after night, day after day like the magnificent shows on Broadway. Exactly the same, each show cannot be distinguished from its prior event. So too the drama of our lives of misadventures, banter of relationships, unexpected circumstances all play like endless stories, page after page, moment after moment, year after year, life time after lifetime. The time to stop reliving the drama and putting the book down is now. We have the ability to do just this at any point in our lives. 

Are you brave enough to drop your story? Are you even braver to share your story with others?
I love you

Thursday, June 28, 2018

To be loved

When I have been wronged by someone it is so easy to judge, get  bitter, and become unforgiving. All I know is how I feel.  The anger, the hurt and the desire of revenge all become an amalgam of uncontrolled emotions,  a weapon wielded by an unsteady mind. Most of what people do are a reaction to something from their past. An experience that has conditioned them. Their reaction towards us becomes an outlet of process.

But what if we desired to meet them to understand their past, not to eventually hurt them in revenge but to love them so they themselves hurt no more. If they no longer hurt they can no longer hurt. Yet in order for this to happen I must first look beyond my initial reaction to their action and pause long enough to understand their past. I am merely a brunt of their frustrations and not a cause of it. Realizing they cause necessitates looking at their past.

Yet who really has the time to delve into a person's past? If your goal is to help and not be hurt, then at the very least for the sake of self preservation, this becomes a vital and integral tool. Allowing their past to breathe back into the present unfolds the anger and hurt and transforms it into love by simply hearing it.

Now what if this was done for you. Someone taking the time to understand your past to show you that you can and need to be loved and not hated. Would you react in anger towards them or would you turn your rage into gratitude ? We are not defined by our pasts, we are defined by what we do with our pasts.

Healing comes from loving the past and not by punishing ourselves for it. We all deserve to be loved.
I love you

Thursday, June 21, 2018



There are times when we make profound judgments based on appearances. Whether it is the color of our skin, or quality of clothes, or the way we speak or even as simple as our hair or the lack there of. I find myself also falling into biases from decades of conditioning yet letting go of many prejudices as I pause to reflect. Let us pick a simple one that is so common that we almost take for granted yet subconsciously will have preprogrammed judgments.

Hair. The color of hair seems to tell us a lot about a person's personality. The more exotic the color the more outward their personality. The greater chance that they are risk takers or do not seem to care for societal norms. Yet that would be completely incorrect as there are plenty of exotic spectrum colored haired individuals who could be rebelling their own inner worlds and are not as outgoing as you may think.

What does grey hair signify?

Age, wisdom,  experience are all synonymous with grey hair and totally normal. Some get  grey hair sooner than others. Yet how do we judge men versus women with grey hair. Differently. A man who has grey hair is revered as having wisdom and experience and treated with higher status than a great haired woman. A man is expected to have reached the pinnacle of his career and the sign for that may be grey hair. Yet a women can have grey hair and be subliminally thought of as an old crone whose days are numbered. Studies demonstrate that going grey ages women twice as men.

These lead to a tremendous number of observations that we make and how we treat someone becomes apparent. Men who turn grey are deemed "silver foxes" A term of obscure successful rank and status. Grey haired women are considered to have been worn out, and past their prime usefulness in society as we deem their responsibility of bearing children is over. And so the more grey haired they are, the more aged and so no longer "valuable " contributors to society. Yet we forget that this may have negative influences. Confidence, self worth and employment are all factors that are influenced negatively in older women. Their chances of finding a meaningful relationship partner becomes harder too, based on these ridiculous subjective ideas.

Yet when a man looks at a grey haired women they may see "age" yet what they are really seeing is themselves becoming older, even though they may already be older. It's a perception. Studies reveal that greater than 70% of women start to dye their hair within at least a year of seeing a grey hair. This mounts to considerably large expenses of time and finances spent in covering up a normal aging truth.

Pigment cells in our hair follicles die and then naturally the hair will have less melanin and thereby lose their coloring, ergo leaving the hair strand grey, silver, or white. This can occur at ANY age. So for the simple normal process of loss of melanin, we create such a great issue and judgment that effects women profoundly in every aspect. I am guilty of having these thoughts without a doubt. Yet once aware of my  thoughts the less likely I am of recurrently falling into the trap of them.

You may be turning grey. You look marvelous.

I may have lost my hair. I look marvelous. But that is another topic of discussion
I love you

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Finding your wonders of the world

Finding your wonders of the world

There will always be a time where the landscape of your mind is barren. Ideas may come and go yet nothing suits your fancy. The days, weeks, years may roll by. You may even feel dejected, bored, frustrated, depressed at the lack of creation. You may feel that rumors have been started about you foretelling  that you have not mounted to anything, or are not creative enough, or are not good enough or perhaps not worthy enough. These are all idle chatter of the winds across the desert of your mind carrying messages of doom.

Yet fear not. An illusion will soon become a reality. A dream born of the fires of passion of your  heart burns bright and lights the night sky. The oasis is nearer than you think as you traverse the parch-ness of your life. You had to walk those lonely nights. You had to feel your dreams unfulfilled. You had to yearn for your purposes to come to pass. It is this lack that fuels your need to achieve more. Achieve big.

As your life may lie as a plain untouched canvas as it does to an artist, the spark of creativity and wisdom blend into a  beautiful pictorial with a plethora of colors of inspiration in all walks of your life. Let go of the anxiety of performing on life's stage and just be. Be yourself and let that creativity flow. It is time to build the future of your dreams with fervor and love.

You have the gift of mastery of your reality. Choose what ever your heart desires and explore the possibilities. Your only barrier is the self limiting beliefs infesting your mind. Yet understand that this is also part the creative process, as if you did not have these beliefs, you would continually create and eventually burn out. These long pauses are much needed, in fact are essential to help you breathe life into your purpose and creation.

The magic is inside you. It always has been.
I love you

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Positivity, its not what its cracked up to be.

Positivity, its not what it is cracked up to be.

I can live my life with complete positivity and be surrounded by only positive thoughts, words, and people. I can listen to positive music, and read positive comments all day long. I can have motivators push me in a positive way at the gym, at work, or even at home if it comes down to it. Yet in the end it will be temporary and non sustaining. It is great to try to even  motivate others and presumably if it works, it is always a fleeting transformation that is never permanent.

A positive mindset achieves a positive outcome, a negative mindset achieves a negative outcome. A balanced mindset achieves a balanced outcome. For all those negative nellies out there, that try to pull me down and whom I get exposed to daily, I have 3 choices of interaction and outcomes. Firstly, to join them and fall into a negative state of being. Secondly, avoid them. Yet this useless act really only postpones the dealing with negativity and allows for someone else to step into that role a little later. Thirdly, I can interact with a balanced mind and understand why am I triggered by that negativity and attracting that person in my life. I can spend the time to try to bring that person out of negativity, but that would be more time wasted and an effort in futility, as everyone is responsible for their own emotional state.

For all those positive motivators out there trying to inflict their sense of right on the world, it is in fact their own effort in justifying only positive thoughts and not recognizing the negative in their lives and so over compensate by trying to sway others to their thinking. I can choose to again respond to them in 3 ways. Firstly join them and become happy and do cartwheels in my head. Secondly avoid them, yet they will be replaced by yet another positive annoying person that then leads me to the notion that I must figure out why are they  in my lives. What is the universe  trying to teach me? Thirdly I can interact with a balanced mind and understand where is the deficiency of positivity in my life that needs to be balanced out.

Positive and negative words or actions stem from positive and negative thoughts, which originate in the opportunities that the universe provides and arises to show me the opposite that is needed to complete my life. I have learned that I  neither need positive motivators nor negative naysayers in my life, yet I need both. I mus spend the time recognizing the balance of the two in every situation as it relates to every moment, situation, and person. In doing so I can create a more fulfilling life, an on purpose life, and an empowered life.
I love you

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Finding balance

Have you ever noticed that your moods dictate your outcomes? When you are happy you seem to get tasks done more efficiently. If you are sad then every task is a monotonous chore. It is only when we are more stable with our emotions that life is more fluid and flows. What makes us happy is quite variable and equally so what drives us to becoming sad.

Yet it is when we are in the most balance that things feel more stable. Emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually the balance enables us to be more in control to create our realities of choice. When there is imbalance we are run by the choices of others who are more in relative balance. Higher frequency of balance gives way to lower frequency of balance. Such is the nature and order of balance.

This applies to many areas of life. Education. You may have noticed that the hierarchy of the more educated people control the lives  of the less educated. Finances. The greater the wealth of an individual the greater the influence they have over the less wealthy. Vocation. The more experience one has in a vocation, trumps the job of the less experienced. Physical. The more athletic and physically endowed are more likely to become the educators of the less athletic or physically fit. Spiritual. The more spiritually trained are the ones who are the teachers and guides for those who are perceived as less spiritually attained. Even in Relationships. The more influential one person is in the relationship ( whether it is parental or spousal or friendship or at employment ) the more likely they are dominating that relationship. This extends out into society too.

Yet out of St-ability ( stability) comes ability. The more stable we are in our moods and our emotions the greater the chance that our innate gifts are revealed. It is these divine abilities that will aide us to create the future of our choice and help shape the world. So the next time you get too excited or too depressed find a way to come back to center. Find the middle ground that will keep you on track and not off course.

My father once told me: " Never give away money when you are too happy and never write a letter when you are too sad" Makes sense. The fastest way to poverty is by emptying your purse through emotions and the fastest way to end a career or relationship is through writing a letter severing a relationship or agreeing to one.

The more StABLE the more ABLE !!
I love you

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Connection or attachment

It is important to discern the difference between connection and attachment. These words are used in the spoken language as if there were no different. Yet this is and can be furthest from the truth.

Connection stems from the heart through acts of love. This is sustaining and empowering. It extends the outward energy to another. There is no desire for it to be reciprocated yet usually is returned with the same affection. Such is the nature of love. The heart is able to transcend the depths of time and space and all wounds when a connection is made. It is not a longing as that is attachment. When there is no impatient desire to jump out and reach another person then the connection is free and flowing.

Attachment on the other hand is from the mind born of fear. This is an illusionary energy and can become destructive to both parties. It is a contingent energy. When love with conditions is extended out it becomes attachment. Attachment is disempowering while connection is empowering. Attachment  is the need and desire to hold on to another for fear of self loss. This stems from feelings of lack and self incompleteness. Clearly quite the contrary for connection where both members are complete and free to offer their abilities to the other without fear of being overpowered. They attract the energy of the other person as 2 poles of a magnet.

Unfortunately with attachment the poles of energies are able to switch and repel once the intentions are known or the fuse runs out. Attachment is not self sustaining, yet connection is. So the next time you decide and touch someone as yourself where is this feeling coming from. Mind full of fear ? Or heart full of love ? The more aware of yourself in all ways of life, the more likely you will desire a connection and not an attachment.

I choose to connect.
I love you

Thursday, May 17, 2018

You are the calm, not the storm

You are the calm, not the storm

Traveling is stressful. It is anxiety driven and a constant rushing of time. The painful security checks with apparel removal and the madness of everyone's heightened insecurities. The dashing to the departing flights, the exercise to run between terminals, the aromas of all the fast tracked restaurants all play a role in the experiences of traveling anywhere beyond the end of your driveway. Missing a connecting flight has also become quite common place in this day in age. This happened to me recently as I landed at an airport and despite my sprinting from terminal to terminal with a back pack and suitcase on my head I arrived 5 minutes prior to the plane having closed their doors and waved goodbye as I stood gasping and furious with the realization that I had missed the last flight out of the airport. I was directed to customer service with the hopes that I could get another flight that night, yet with the sinking feeling that I was staying overnight and looking to fly the following day. I met a service representative who was calmly directing each person to their overnight hotel stay and helping them to get to their destinations the following day.

I would not want this woman's job. Everyone on the other side of her counter was tired, hungry, frustrated, angry, disappointed and not where they were supposed to be. Yet despite their blatant tears, anger, loud words against the airline, she held her calm, her peace, and her poise and explained that there was nothing more that she could do to help them at that time except get them a night of rest at a hotel, transportation and get them on their next flight as soon as possible even though it was for the next day. She was a wall of balance. Nothing could shake her determination to help. She had limited resources to help with, but what was in her power was her ability to react. She didn't. People screamed, shouted, got upset, yet she very peacefully said " I understand you are upset but this is all that I can do for you right now." Sometimes that is all the person in front of you needs to hear. That they have been heard. This extinguishes the fire of reaction, versus fueling it with more action and reactionary cycles.

So often we are confronted with the negative flood of emotions of others, whether a family member, a friend, a stranger, a customer, a patient, a coworker and many others on our journeys. It is how we choose to react that can make or break our spirit at that moment. You and I do not need to be sucked into the vortex of anyone else's storm. Yet it is only through digging into your roots and keeping your "wall of calm" strong, that any situation can be resolved and healed. Grief, anger, hatred, frustration or belligerence can all be faced against your wall of calm.

Remember that you are stronger than anything that tries to uproot you. How you maintain that strength is up to you.
I love you

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Watching movies

Watching movies

Ever sit in front of the TV and be watching a show or a movie and realize that you do not want to watch it any more and change the channel? Whether the show was boring, scary, depressing, it was not worthy enough to stay viewing it. The same applies to the " movies of your life." Our lives are like movies on an enormous movie screen. If we step back for a second and pause we can see the screen and us as the observers as separate. Just like you, I too have been so involved in a movie that I felt I was one of the characters. This holds true in life as well. We are usually so busy and involved in our lives that we forget that it is essentially a movie playing out and we have the choice of changing the channel.

That relationship that did not work out that caused a divorce or break up. So often we will replay this "relationship movie" in our minds over and over again and become bitter, angry and never forgive the other person is one prime example. It is a choice to stay in that angry zone and watch the effects of that movie destroy other parts of our lives. The close person who passed away, do we ever let them go? Invariably not, as we hold on to the haunts of the memories and further depression and grief settle in and before we realize that we have been hurting far longer than the deceased would have liked. The co worker who spoke mean things to you, continues to go through an endless loop like a never ending TV series of hurt emotions in your head, holding you hostage to anger, vengeance, hatred. The financial situation that is difficult, plays out with thoughts, words, actions and the movie of financial strain reaches an epic performance of misery, guilt, and depression.

Life situations and events are all akin to the movies of your life playing on endless feedback loops based on our choices to stay hooked on to them. Just like in the movie theaters you can enjoy the show with popcorn and soda, we watch our life movies with hopes and fears. When we stream movies and tv shows directly to our viewing devices at home it is a frequency that is being transmitted and decoded for us to watch. Life is no different. It is an energetic frequency pattern that we interact with and co-create with and watch as it unfolds. We are literally plucking the airwaves and downloading the movie of our choice.

Yet it is also our choice to change the channel and change the show. We are fully capable in transforming our  experiences into the movies that we seek, the events and experiences we intend to explore. So the question really left to answer is how much do you wish to live an inspired and empowered life?

The remote control of your life is in your hands. Choose the channel wisely.
I love you

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Collective Consciousness

Collective consciousness

What is collective consciousness? It has been articulated by many authors and also explained as being a part of a collective unconscious. Apart from the individual consciousness it has been theorized that there lies an invisible field of knowledge and memories that surrounds the planet and is in fact even layered with ever higher degrees of knowledge.These are the sum total of all of living consciousness and embedded within it are the knowledge and memories of ancestors of all lifetimes. Think of it as a planetary Icloud where every aspect of consciousness is stored and accessible with the correct login. 

The animal and insect and plant kingdoms are well known for this behavior. Ants can build a perfect tunnel system without ever having learned to do so and draw upon experiences and memories and instinctively do it. If their queen ant dies and even if  she is not physically present anywhere near them, they immediately stop working. Mice can be trained to navigate a maze. Their offspring can do the same having never learned it, as they draw upon the memories.

We too have memories that are transmitted genetically from our ancestors and with each generation we draw upon the experiences of prior generations and so do not have to reinvent the wheel. We stand on the shoulders of others who have already found a way and so expand our awareness in the present moment and forward generational knowledge into wisdom and not waste time. This is an efficient evolutionary model. My own children having never been exposed to technology such as the babysitter TV or ipad when they were much younger, are able to quite effortlessly navigate through smartphones, and tablets now that they are a little older, and without any instruction I might add. 

We draw upon experiences and "traits" from the collective. Which inherently means that we share the traits of everyone regardless of whether they are good or bad. If you look at the most saintly person or the most heinous person who has ever lived you will find traits that you share with them. Every trait has been described at some level of intensity and expressed in some fashion and so we draw upon these from the collective consciousness. We also are acutely aware of which traits to exhibit and which ones to hide for the evolution of our own lives. We also draw upon the memories and experiences through the unconscious to help with our functionality. We do not have to re experience what it felt like to be chased by a charging wild animal to now instead see this unfolding and move away or hide, without having to experience the countless times our ancestors have been killed by a charging wild animal. Many great discoveries in the world by scientists have occurred almost at the same time at opposite ends of the world, and  having never had the discoverers communicate with each other. Drawing from the future knowledge perhaps?

We are pinpoint expressions of all experiences past, present and future as we choose from the collective consciousness of what to express, what to learn, what to understand and return it back to the collective for sharing and shaping the future. The uniqueness of the experiences comes through the uniqueness of each of us despite the shared memory or trait and so it evolves into a new experience and nuggets of wisdom that are catalogued by each of us through our minds, bodies, and hearts in the infinite forms of creativity and expression.

You are every trait, and every trait is you, welcome to the collective.
I love you

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Truth about You

The Truth about You

We have been convinced that we are damaged goods from a very young age.

Whether it is by our caretakers in the form of unkind words or actions because surely we were to blame for their mean thoughts  and harsh actions. Or due to relationships long ago that resulted in break ups when we were informed that it was "our fault" that things did not work out. When friends abandoned us, and enemies rained hatred to our hearts, to the point of breaking our minds, we were certain that it was alas our own doing that destroyed everything around us.

The bitter stories play out like endless loops in our psyche and we continue to berate ourselves to the very depths of guilt and anguish. So great have been the dramas that have unfolded that we believe them to be truer than our senses. In the end we lie with our empty veins that once held our life blood that now has boiled away with despair and the once tearful eyes know only parched deserts. Our minds have been shattered, our hearts defeated and our bodies worn from the fight of self identity.

It is through the dawn of realization that the light appears to heal our wounds and in the midst a discovery is made. Not just that a clap requires two hands and all the blame cannot be shouldered by one person alone. Not that the insecurity and anger of another against us is not all our doing. Not even that we cannot take responsibility for the war that wages within our lost beloved. Through the darkness the sliver of sentient light of wisdom arrives not a moment too soon to the remains of a heart devoured by the vultures of a tortured life. The words echo in the gallows of self loathing and self hatred. Like a saving hand outreached for the taking,  I hear " You are not broken and need no fixing."

Remember my dear love that out of a great mess there exists you, a greatness.
I love you 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Questions and answers

Questions and answers

In moments of fear and doubt I look to the heavens for answers. With hands folded or with suffering  faces planted deep into my sweaty anxious palms,  the questions are asked. What, where, when, why, who and how. This is how I start the spiraling down of questions ad infinitum. Yet little did I realize that that it is not the questions that will lead me to the answers. Moreover, it is the answers that are already consciously and unconsciously within me that will reveal the correct questions. I was once told by a friend that it is quality of the questions that will help me improve my life. True. So I started asking these questions. It helped to move forward and understand my choices. I finally came to the epiphany that I should work on this exercise backwards and see the result to explain the choices that I HAD made already to see if these were clear enough questions and answers.

We ask questions to solve the puzzle of love for example. Unfortunately we are asking the questions to derive at the answer that is already known within, it simply needs to be teased out to our conscious state. Most of the time the questions we ask are esoteric and valueless and so these questions from a chaotic imbalanced mind will seldom or perhaps never branch out to the correct questions that are needed to empower your life. So in the case of love.

The answer is LOVE. The questions are WHAT to love, WHERE to offer love, WHEN to offer love, WHY to love someone, WHOM to love, HOW to love. Knowing the answer will lead to even more powerful questions that now stem to another answer that is also known. LOVE EVERYONE ( whom), EVERY TIME ( when), EVERYWHERE (where), LOVING someone means you love yourself ( why)  and so LOVE YOURSELF UNCONDITIONALLY ( this answers the what and how).

The next time you have a 1000 questions on a topic, meditate upon the answer first with out the questions and then with that answer in your minds eye, ask the right questions as above, and you will derive the choices that you need to make to move forward. Try it out with small things and then work it up to bigger concerns in your life. Questions are the tugs of war in your mind, the answers are the already known solutions within your spirit.

Got a question ? Ask your heart for the answers.
I love you 

Thursday, April 12, 2018

When you compare you despair

When you compare you despair

Much of my life I have set myself up to be compared to the bench mark of others. Always compared to others to gain a value of self worth. Compared to other more intellectual kids in school, or other fellow athletes or fellow musicians. Never quite good enough, never quite up to par. Yet whom am I really comparing myself to? Someone else who is just as scared at being compared to someone else as I am to them. Where is the yard stick to measure success, fitness, ethics? Who creates these false measuring tools, and why  are they important? Society creates them, as if you don't have bench marks and notches of success how do you create status? If you have to create status then you create control. If every one is forced into a hierarchy and given their place on the ladder, then I can bench mark my progress in all areas of life from health, to wealth, to intellect to literally everything in my life. It starts when you are young. Conditioning. If you see a little child that is unaware of this process they are totally free and believe everyone is on equal footing and lovable and respected. The moment you introduce " you are better than ...... because of ( fitness, intellectual prowess, parental status etc.) you change the innocence to status and put them on the racing ladder.

No one is saying that we shouldn't have hierarchies. They are important and we need to be able to grow and so the yardstick is formed.  Yet my argument is on the tenant that the yardstick is within and not outside. I choose to excel in my intellect by my choice and not be coaxed by others, I choose to improve my fitness performance for my health status and not to be measured against the world's fastest or strongest man or by a fellow athlete. I choose to improve my financial perch for the sake of serving others and my family,  not because I have been told that if I don't I will not be like my  friend who makes more money than me.

Compare and establish levels of progress, absolutely, but compare to yourself and not to others as this leads to the despair of inadequacy and depression and frustration. Push yourself everyday to become better than who you were the day before. Improve for yourself and not because someone told you that you should be like whomever. Self identity is the biggest motivator in improvement and success.

The world has changed and ascended to a higher dimensional frequency of Oneness. You will find more and more as you awaken that there is less and less need for you to size yourself up to anybody else except yourself. As you continue to improve and become better, your own prowess will be enough to shine and be a beacon unto others to also become more radiant with success and join you in the sun. Lack of comparing will not diminish your abilities to progress, yet it will lighten you up to achieve more as you improve upon yourself every moment of every day.

Be the best version of you and not the shadow of someone else.
I love you

Friday, April 6, 2018

Success and happiness

Success is getting what you want. 

Happiness is wanting what you get.

Let that sink in for a bit. The mind will always forget the trials and tribulations that you have undergone yet the heart will always remember the feeling of those trials and tribulations. That is the difference between happiness and success.

Success is a notion that is determined by the mind through conditioning by peers and society. Yet true success is seldom achieved if not linked to happiness. They are not mutually exclusive yet only are so depending on how they are obtained. There are not many successful people in any walks of life that are truly happy. This is because their perceived happiness is based solely on the " getting " of what " the mind wanted." You can have all the money in the world to buy everything you have ever wanted, yet this still will not give you joy or peace. Yet on the corollary, you can have nothing and yet be content and happy, as whatever you wanted no matter how basic the desire you get it. 

This is clearly evident in those that continue to get more and more of what they must have or want based on their notion of societal status and position and bragging rights. This is founded by ego. The more they get, the more they want, the more they get what they want the bar standard rises to the next level. The ladder continues up and up with getting what you want and calling it a successful trip. However if you spend the entire time in successful pursuits and missing out on the simplest of things like a hello to a stranger, smelling a flower's fragrance, holding your child in your arms at bedtime, meeting a friend, spending time someone you love, what is the point of getting what you want. Now if the about wants are things that you get, well that is called happiness.

Most successful people have neither the time nor the inclination to slow down long enough to smell the flower or recall the hugs from the children. If you read their biographies, they are filled with "successful stories" but its not what they achieved that you should read, yet what they have omitted to mention, that is to be read. The simplistic things that bring you happiness. They never note that in their books. this does not mean we should give up our ambitions, dreams or goals or careers. Far from it. In fact do more, achieve more, strive more. Yet there will be a time when, you yourself will feel the push for wanting more, and it wont be for success, it will be for happiness. And so the cycle restarts. 

I have been on both sides of this spectrum. I have been fortunate. I have literally bought everything I can think of for hobbies, and useless trophies of apparent success in an effort to fuel my ego to believe that I am successful. It wasn't until I discovered that I had broken the bank to find the illusion of success that was being sustained by my mirage of an ego that I woke up. The lustful thirst to possess more. Thank fully I woke to my senses before it was too late, and been on the quest for happiness. It has been a great journey to understand both. My journey is not over. I suspect neither is yours.

Success is about speeding up. Happiness is about slowing down. 
I love you

Thursday, March 29, 2018

How do you change the world?

How do you change the world?

I have struggled with this question my whole life. Till I asked myself a deeper question. Why do I want to change the world? So this is easily answered.. "For the better of course. " Well,  what's wrong with the world, my mind asked. I proceeded to make a list of all the things that were bad or evil such as global poverty, hunger, bigotry, prejudice, injustice, disease, death, anchovies etc. My heart chimed in and asked " Well what's right with the world?" I immediately started to make an even longer list that included love, friendship, beauty, charity, faith, nature ( oceans, mountains, flowers, forests, sand), animals, birds, ice cream, pizza, rain drops etc ( you get the idea). So then the question popped up again " So why do you want to change the world? It seems that there is a balance of good and bad in the world"

So with my fiery passion  extinguished I abandoned the idea that I had to change the world. Till one day a deeper question raised its head. " Why did I think that I HAD TO CHANGE THE WORLD?" Back to the drawing board. My ego chimed in with a barrage of suggestions that " I had great ideas, I knew the way, there was no way except my own". Sound familiar? Perhaps resembling a crazy misguided Sith apprentice that wanted to rule the galaxy? My heart thank fully responded with the voice of reason "It is everyones place to change the world and mine too, as I am part of the collective consciousness."

Phew. No more solitary pressure or insane Atlas feats to carry the world on my shoulders. Yet the universe asked me the above question once again a little later, but this time with a twist.
" HOW do I change the world?" Since I am not the only one transforming the planet, I realized that I don't have to change the world yet assist others in doing their part to change the world.

It is about terraforming consciousness. Yes I made that up. But it holds true. I cannot make an argument and scream, shout, and get angry to make people do anything. Heck I doubt if most pet owners can make their cat or dog do anything, why think that I can change anyone. We do not show people they are wrong. That basically means that my path is right and yours is wrong, so do it my way. Back to square one. SO I decided that my contribution to "changing the world" would be to show people another path. It is up to them to take it or create their own. My purpose is simply to show you that there IS another way. Your choice to take it. With enough mindful bread crumbs, the primrose path to love and is well on its way to terraforming the human consciousness. One person at a time. One moment at a time.

So how do I change the world? By showing you How YOU can change the world.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at, change.

The way to transform your world is in your hands.
I love you

Thursday, March 22, 2018

I want to be you

I want to be you.

The other day I was at the gym and I was watching the techniques of some very strong athletes and I jokingly told the coach " I want to be you." He laughed and said funny " I wanted to be you."  I was surprised, yet we both smiled and the encounter diffused. Yet the thought lingered. That is when it dawned on me, that we all want to be someone else when we see their achievements, their abilities, their looks, their financial situation, their social status and so on. Whether it is a friend, a family member, an acquaintance, someone we see in the social media or a magazine or wherever. We are constantly looking to "improve" ourselves by desiring to be someone or something else. Yet rarely is that ever achievable.

It is not until I accept my talents, my gifts, my abilities, my looks, my finances, my social status, my presence in the world, will I actually ever make a dent in anything I choose that I want to become. Owning my spot in the universe is the first step. You and I are here for a reason. It was not by accident that we came into being. We chose this life, which means we chose everything that this life would offer and also chose the reality that we are in. With this premise we can also choose to transform it by owning the reality that we have into what we want it to become. I cannot make a clay pot if I do not own any clay. I cannot sit on my couch and manifest a clay pot, without first owning a clay brick and then work on creating it into something different than a brick. I am not going to build a perfect pot ( I have no idea how to do pottery) yet with a few lessons, an instruction book , a potters wheel,  I will be well on my way to creating something similar. Practice makes perfect.

In order to want to be something different we have to be able to have the desire to change. People and situations trigger this desire within us and build us up to the precipice of trying to improve. When that happens we get the tools we need, in the forms of education, materials, vision, training etc. Once we realign with our sense of belonging and cord ourselves to the reality of vision, the illusion begins to dispel. Can everyone be a king or queen ? No. Because we have not yet owned who we are and what we are here for. Once acknowledged we realize our OWN path, our OWN purpose, unique from someone else's path and purpose. An advice given to me by my coach when I wanted to be like him :" Continue to improve your numbers not mine and you will get to where you want to go."

I want to be you? No. I want to be me and I thank you for helping realizing that.
I love you 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Mind over matter

I am convinced that my body is solid and there is nothing else. I can feel it. I can sense the objects that it can touch and so I perceive them to be either solid, liquid or gas. The reaction that I get to my action of touching is a perception and my senses have been conditioned from birth to know that this is tangible and there is nothing nothing beyond it. What is physical is physical and it cannot be disputed says the mind. I stand upright and don't fall over the earth by an unseen force called gravity. I sense temperature even though I cannot see it, and feel either heat or cold. I can not see the wind yet I feel its effects. I also perceive what the unseen can effect like movement of the trees explaining the wind, or the burning of matchstick signifying heat from a flame or the the fall of leaf to depict gravity. I live in a world of senses and chained to them I can only perceive this and nothing more.... with my mind.

If I open my heart to something far greater I am rendered dumbfounded with what is out there beyond my 5 limiting senses. Intuition, wisdom, understanding, love. All are not constructs of the mind but perceptions with the sensing of the heart space, an infinitely more potent field. There are many energetic fields that surround us. Some call them auric fields. There is the physical field, mental field, emotional field, relationship field, and spiritual field. Each one extends out from the physical body and each one has different features of how we interact with our various environments such as other physical bodies, other peoples emotions, our relationships and our higher Self and spiritual realms. Simplified, When the fields are out of sync then things in our lives go out of sync and we succumb to disease, unhealthy relationships,  problems and troubles pop up, ailments, in essence our world turns upside down. Yet within these fields we carry the knowledge to fix them too. All our hopes, goals, dreams, purposes, ideas are all stemming like a light bulb radiating light from the center, we radiate all this from our heart space through our energetic fields.

All these fields bump in to everyone else's fields as well. If in frequency and harmonic the harmony occurs and we have similar ideas, we like each other, we understand and cooperate and share knowledge. When out of vibrational frequency the opposites happen. Imagine everyone wearing multicolored bubbles and roaming around bumping into one another. The further out from our heart space and body these fields can extend for miles. The more potent and energetic one is, the fields go even higher and farther. Ever sensed what a loved one is feeling and be correct right down to the penny and then pick up the phone and call them up, and you both are shocked at the exact conversation you both were sensing? Intuition? Sorta. That's energetic field transmission. You and that person are linked energetically. This happens when you open up your heart space. Ever had similar dreams and deja vue? Thats energetic and astral travel. Different story, but brought up here as it is still an energetic field issue.

Everything is energy. Everything is a wave. Everything is a spectrum. When we pause and stop to look at the wave the energy becomes solid and we see a physical form. If you don't look, then everyone returns back to energetic states and continues as flowing in their streams of consciousness, only to return back when needed for interaction with the physical dimension. Think of it like a river flowing smoothly and if you put your foot in the river you disrupt the flow. Or are you really adding to the flow? At which point ripples occur. That's you adding your unique energetic field to the flow of collective consciousness.

Healing of these energetic fields and boundaries is called energetic medicine. That is what I do. Your energy fields possess your identity, your purpose, your origins, your lifetimes, your future. Respect your energy and respect the energies of others.
I love you

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cracking the Mirror

Cracking the mirror

As you travel through the day you see all sorts of aspects and qualities of humanity. Some you like, and some you don't. Some will attract you, some will repulse you. You see a beautiful person and you like seeing that, yet you see someone else who behaves badly, you are repelled by it. Why?

This is because of a concept known as  mirroring. Would it surprise you to learn that all human characteristics good or bad or ugly all exist within everyone and we choose to explore various qualities depending on the social or life situation that we are presented with at any given time. All of humanity exists within us and we exist within all of humanity. You see beauty only because there is beauty within you to witness, and if you see bad behavior for example arrogance, then there is an aspect of arrogance that exists within you. People are in our lives to allow us the opportunity to see ourselves in a different light and grow. Everyone is a mirror. It is your choice to see a magnificent reflection in each person or to see a convoluted distorted reflection in others while you yourself suffer from the same distorted qualities. It is hard to accept the negative nature of ourselves as we are held together by ego. Yet the more we embody the idea of the mirroring we become more aware of the qualities within us.

When this happens we discover something quite extraordinary. If there is something we like, then we in fact like it within and can expand that quality. If there is something we don't like then once we recognize it within we have the choice of evolving from it and changing. Play this game with yourself through the day noting likes and dislikes when you encounter various people. If you are concerned about the socially taboo idea of " judging someone" well you are right, you are judging, however you will soon discover that you are judging yourself.  Make the list and then explore it. I can help you with that. As you dissect it you will begin to "feel" some thing more. This feeling is a trigger. Exploring your triggers can be a lifetime chore or a lifetime adventure of self realization.

We love to comment or judge others. It's human nature. So why not practice on yourself. I mean what do you have to lose? What do you have to gain? Everything. Self empowerment.
I love you

Thursday, March 1, 2018

First world problems

First world problems

Yet another night when all the house smoke alarms turn on in orchestral unison at 3am. 8 days of this in a row will keep the entire family awake and sleep deprived. All the alarms will have to replaced. The wife's cell phone malfunctions and is irreparable, need to get another one. The cooking range hood motor seized, guess I am going to have to call someone to fix that. My car is at the mechanics and looks like the engine may have to be replaced piece by piece. The stereo system in the family room has suddenly decided not to play any of the music that it is meant to play. Well that was a waste.

Overwhelmed, frustrated, I threw my hands to the heavens asking for redemption and understanding as to why am I incurring the wrath of the machine technology gods. My mind slowly drifts to the article that I read about the hunger and the famine in many countries. My heart melts and I realize the seemingly insignificance of my inconveniences. These people have no home, and I am worrying about smoke alarms  in my house. They have no communication abilities yet are able to relate to one another without the cell phone. They use an open fire in front of their shanty home without any use of a range hood. The only transportation they know is that which isbelow their waist or on the back of a domestic animal. The only music that many of these people hear is the singing of their own voices or that of the birds.

I wake up to the realization that these are first world problems and no matter how overwhelming they are still related to an inconvenience and not a survival necessity. When millions have no access to food, water, healthcare, shelter or education and are in a constant state of stress and unfortunately due to their situation they may never ever get out of their predicaments. When we look at another's life through their eyes we can shift perspectives and unleash compassion. Compassion means literally to suffer with someone else. We all know this differentiation of first world problems and third world troubles, yet we still grumble and get upset when the microwave doesn't work or the ice dispenser malfunctions or a light bulb goes out, or the coffee machine misbehaves. I would offer a simple pause, and looking at my inconvenience offer a silent blessing and love to anyone on the planet who is less fortunate than me. This innocent act resets my anger to one of compassion and gets me back to a state of balance. Once more patient and centered I can focus on resolving my problem calmer, more expediently and effectively.

Holding space for someone else with compassion inherently helps heal us as well.
I love you 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Finding the time for excuses and a Practical tip

Finding the time for excuses and practical tip #1784

I find myself complicating my life by the moment. More tasks, more chores, more interests, more more more. I want to learn 1000 new hobbies, i want to experience 1000 new adventures, I want to try to do 1000 new tasks , I want to eat 1000 new foods, I want to visit 1000 new places. More more more. Yet what hinders me is the creation of a 1000 mental blocks saying that I cannot do this or that because.......

Excuses are my fill in the blanks. And believe me I have 1000 excuses for everything. So do you. It is human nature. It is our nature to want to learn, experience, try new things and expand our consciousness and awareness and grow. We are not meant to shrink away and hide, but expand and grow.  Yet it is also human nature to desire to hide in an effort to not shine bright due to fear of not being good enough or not worthy enough. I am keenly aware of the top things that I value most in my life and want to achieve, yet I am also keenly aware of the top daily chores that I have come to believe that must be done BEFORE I can have the satisfaction of doing and achieving my valuable goals. And so begins the moment to moment battle for time and balance.

I have discovered that I will never have enough time to do ONLY my prized goals such as meditate, travel, learn, exercise, write, etc. as there is no such thing as dedicated time to do only what I want as I do not live in a vacuum of only me. I live in a world of work, family, distractions. This is responsibility. Nor will I have ever have enough time to do the top chores and complete them such as tidying up the house, do laundry, do the bills, fix the odds and ends in the house, as I am sure you can attest to, the moment one task is done another 10 are  ready to take its place. You tidy up one room, you turn around and the child or cat has knocked something down and you have to clear up the smashed glass, the clock reminds you that dinner has to be made, you barely do that then  the buzzer of the loads of laundry has to be folded and the moment that is done a child pick up has to be undertaken, and before you know it you are back to square one and tidying up is back on the priority list. This is the nature of life and living.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and so your time will be filled with tasks either of your choosing or be chosen for you. This is state of nature's consciousness.
I am certainly not advocating you dump all your chores to someone else and ignore your duties and then sit in monk fashion awaiting the state of zen to arrive. Believe me I have tried. It doesn't end well. It leaves you with more work, angry and frustrated life co-participants and dissatisfaction of never achieving soul purposeful goals. Akin to running a karmic treadmill. You can keep running till you die, and never really get anywhere. Fulfilling your soul purpose is soul empowering, flooding your day with non soul purpose chores is soul disempowering.

Yet it is certainly possible to interlace the two. While idly waiting for a pick up I can sit and read in the car, or while folding laundry listen to the music I have been waiting to experience, or waiting for the oven to cook I can journal and write for a few minutes, sitting a the doctors office for an appointment I can meditate. If you actually sit for a few minutes and map out your day and find the time between distractions and the mundane chores of top priorities you can find the time that you will need to focus on your higher valued goals. The only thing left is to implement them. It may appear hard at first, but subsequent lifestyle changes and habit formation help to expand every minute into a longer time period to do what you desire most to better lead a happier balanced life. Your choice of what to do with the gaps in time. You can scoop them up or discard them to the wind of time. Again no one will ever hand you a chunk of time to do what you value most, as that does not happen for them either. Chores don't go away. Your heart's most cherished purposes don't go away but it can be left unattended to and a life is spent unfulfilled.

Practical tip #1784
1. Write down your most highest value goals in life. Be honest and not fantasy driven. Such as to learn a new skill, to read about an interesting topic, to travel to a place you have always wanted to go to. ( these may evolve and shift as you grow)
2. Rewrite your highest goals in order of priority ( this helps weed out our fantasy from reality..... such as want to become  an Olympic ballerina to i want to learn how to dance... which is more practical
3. Write down ALL the chores or distractions that keep you "busy" each day. Start from the most menial to the most time intensive ( e.g. Laundry to job)
4. Space out your distractions by time
5. See the opportunities based on time to do the things you really want to do.( even if it is for a few minutes)
6. Interlace the two.
7. Do it for a day, then a week, then a month

You will gradually see a shift from your day being full of meaningless chores sprinkled with your heart felt valuable goals that have not been given attention, to a  lifetime focusing on your highest goals sprinkled with chores that are just part of life.

This is my high priority goal to accomplish this, suspect you would like to play in this experiment too.
I love you

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Inviting guests

Inviting guests.

There are two guests that we invite into the homes of our hearts on a regular basis. One knowingly and the other unknowingly. Their names are Love and Fear respectively. But understand this well that both were invited by you. They are offered seats of prominence and given importance. If one is given more, then the outcome will be just that. Yet both are there for your well being. When each is given their rightful voice and offerings they will serve you well and restore balance in your being.

The mind offers homage to the fear from the conditioning of lifetimes, yet the heart offers shelter to the love that is connects from the soul. We spend an eternity trying to get rid of one guest, fear  and to replace with another, love, without acknowledging either sufficiently. Would you have two guests in your home arrive and mistreat one over the other? Unlikely. So why do the same with love and fear. Why discriminate? It is the lack of respect that fear receives that makes it so insistent on staying and not leaving with grace.

We have been conditioned to fear fear and love love, and remain forever in a polarity of consciousness when in fact neither is anything but the manifestation of love. When heeding the words of fear without reaction, giving it space and welcome with just as much care as you do love, you allow for the integration, and the metabolization of fear to then transform into the only thing that it can, Love.

Love then becomes the only true guest that remains in the home of your heart. Fear and love are not divisible. Fear arrives only in disguise of love. Who will receive your guests today? Your mind or your heart?
I love you

Friday, February 2, 2018

The riddle of consciousness

A Riddle of Consciousness

We are constantly oscillating in states of illusion and reality with out ever vibrating slow enough to understand the difference or high enough to see the big picture.
We believe that matter is the reality yet matter is only a state of infinite particles in constant motion dense enough to perceive it as matter or reality. They are in fact broken down into not just particles but waves of energy known as quantum reality which is no matter but in fact strings of potential. This is manifest as will, love, and possibility. So reality now becomes an illusion once dissolved into its original form.
Once you observe the potential with lower vibrational senses does it manifest into outcomes of our choosing as it returns back into this dense particle of "reality".

So the reality we live in is simply the summation of infinite potential energy, and we attempt to create it within time and space never realizing that time and space exist within it. The state of consciousness is  what we are, not what we are in. When we try to imagine our reality we are creating, and manifesting this consciousness on to the canvas of the universe much as an artist paints their imaginary works on to their canvas. When, how and what we experience are all activities that we partake of within this state of consciousness. So thoughts, feelings, sensations, actions are all but experiences that are activities within this vast field of consciousness.

The idea of separateness is one from the egoic mind, perpetuating the illusion. The heart alone opens the gateway to the knowing of the oneness of the universe and the soul. This portal allows us to distinguish reality and illusion and not be captured by the minds prison delusion of reality and illusion.

Love is the portal to the understanding and the living of the consciousness of One as nothing is separate as all is Light and all is energy, all is waves of potential. We observe, we are the modes of the observation and we are the objects of observation and so all can exist simultaneously in the paradigm of consciousness.

You are you.
You are I.
I am you.
I am that I am
I love you

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Fire fire

Fire Fire....

There are some elements that when yelled out loud make us nervous. I mean if you yell out "water" or " wind" or "earth" you may not get the same response as " fire." In our psyche this element has been known to more commonly cause a high potential for loss of life or property. Now take this into a different context it would give more or less  of an impact. Such as screaming " fire" in a movie house. This would evoke fear, anger, confusion, panic, and result in a stampede and a whole host of other problems as people try to hastily exit the establishment. Fight or flight hormones would activate with all sorts of neuro transmitters firing in the brain to initiate a cascade of emergent and urgent strategies. Heart rates rise, blood pressures soar and eyes widen with the beginnings of flight. 

Now take a reversed context. If one would yell " Movie" in a fire house. This is not only absurd but laughable and would more than likely engage emotions of laughter, joy, relaxation and fun. This scenario evokes the parasympathetic nervous system of calming down, rest, and enjoyment. Hormones reflecting the same travel the blood stream, and create a happier and joyous mind, after all who does not want to take a little time and have some recreation. 

Lets take this one step further. Shouting out hateful and hurtful words in a crowded place or even towards one other being, evokes the fear and flight response to the aggressor and the victim of the abuse. Going in slow motion through the process the aggressor has to first injure their soul and their heart raped  with the thought of hate that will  then lead to anger and the surge of sympathetic  hormones reaches all the organs  of the body long before the angry words are even uttered. Now the victim has an equal response to the spouted out words.  They will be first taken by surprise and off guard and then the defense mechanisms kick in. Physically they shrivel back, mentally their executive centers shut down and their hormones surge with the same hormones of fight or flight as the words travel to their ears then to their brain and then to their emotions, which all cascade down to their heart and soul and then the cycle starts anew with a response after being hurt. Either they run away or they fight and repeat the cycle to the other person. 

 On the contrary yelling " Love" in a crowded room or to another person, will emanate happiness and feelings of joy regardless of who you tell it to. Such is the nature of the energy and power of this four letter word. It vibrates at a much higher frequency and so replaces lower ones. This word changes the vibrations when uttered as it whizzes past the ear drum into our brains, bodies, hearts and soul. This word transforms the feelings of hate in to a much higher frequency. Energetically there is an alchemy that manifests with great storm. 

So the next time you meet a hateful person spewing racially charged or gender focussed views or any form of derogatory words, regardless of who that person is, simply take a breath, and yell back " I love you." You may think this is so absurd, but yes it is absurd enough to throw them off balance and disarm them. Do it to yourself first when you are at your angriest and most frustrated. Look in the mirror and disarm yourself first. Only a heart filled with love will afford the opportunity of saying "  I love you" with it being genuine. 

Remember simply that by giving in to a fear and hate filled person    with more fear you are only  allowing them to become more  powerful. They turn into a bully, and more of a person of power. 

Focus. Breathe. Change your perspectives with love. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

In the glass house

In the glass house

I look up within my prison of fears and I see the transparency of my dreams that lies await for me.I am trapped in my great mind, with an unbending ego as my cell mate with the charges of my haunting  past. It is here where my life stands still, never allowing me to move forward. It is in this fragile glass house of an experience I exist. In this timeless prison I find the demons of my vulnerabilities taunting me to a life of platitude and complacency. I struggle to shout out and to be heard yet my mind is the warden to my soul as I am afforded little freedom of expression of my heart.

Within  this captivity I have forged a  new learning and understanding. The wisdom of compassion. Slowly the embers of love have coalesced to form a raging fire within my heart that allows nothing to diminish it and nothing can withstand its power. A radiant sun is born deep and now is unearthed. The mind trembles with the light, the ego fears its new freed mate and my chains of the past no longer hold their strength. 

Yet one last fear remains. To leap through the vulnerabilities of my fragile mind and grasp my destiny. Why does it still linger? Is it a lack of courage, or faith or wisdom? No. none of these. It lies in the desire to allow that fire to burn infinitely bright and allow it the opportunity to blaze through all the walls on all sides and reach out to destinations yet unseen. It is in this allowing that I will witness my freedom. It is in this acknowledgment of the flame of my love of my soul that enables the price of my imprisonment to be overpaid above and beyond and with it set me free. 

What holds you back? What prison are you trapped in? Whatever, or whoever it is, the opportunity for freedom is in your grasp. Your light of your divine love has been always  watching you from the other side and waiting for you to lift the veils of your limited experiences. Your beacon is in your sight, and now is not the time to close your eyes, but to smash through every limitation and rise.

Step out of your glass house and breath the fresh air of love.