Thursday, April 27, 2017

Can a peace ever be attained?

Can Peace ever be attained? 

The continuous noise of the day hurts my senses. The overload of the processing of my experiences haunts my nights. Day becomes night, and night becomes day. Is there an end to an out of control wheel that spins from moment to moment? Where is the brake pedal that I so long to engage and halt this madness?

It is in the sacred knowing of what lies deep within our cells, albeit deeper still into our very DNA that may answer these seemingly unanswerable doubts. It lies in the utter compassion for ourselves. It is the unconditional love for our Self and that of others that jumpstarts the activations that we need to run forward. Not drudge as if struggling in a pool of quicksand but literally resurrect our own bodies inside out.  It is in the summoning of this power within our bones that we rise to occasions far higher than our wildest dreams and succeed. 

Love and compassion ignite the very flames from what may have been used up match sticks of our fried circuits of our minds. Peace. That is the end result of what is sought by this endeavor. The slowing down or even stopping the endless saga of the chaotic confusion of our minds. It is in this understanding that we manifest our realities of choice and not the reality that we think is handed to us. 

It is with the  alchemy of this love that I surrender myself to the prospect of peace. A prospect that I have dug for during eons, on the deserts of birth, death, disease and war. The invitation has always been of peace. My mind never believed it and discarded it as an unattainable hope. My heart has grasped this invitation and refuses to let go, not with the idea of peace being an eventual reality, yet moreover a reality that is already manifest in the here and now. Peace returns from within the bones, catalyzed with compassion from my cells, and ignited yet again from my very DNA  with love.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Accepting the orphans

Accepting the orphans.

Knock, knock, knock. 

Here they come again. The orphans of my mind. Fear, anger, jealousy, frustrations, and so many others I cannot remember all their names as over the years I have forgotten them . Yet they have not forgotten me. Regardless of circumstances they come. The invitation is acceptance. I chose to ignore their existence or even presence as I rush to tackle stimuli upon stimuli and walk about my day, week, months and years. A decade or two may go by, yet these abandoned parts of me return if anything only to be acknowledged. Ignoring them only fuels their deeper hold upon me. 

I am well apt at rearranging the furniture of my reality yet facing these scared parcels of my minds seems overwhelming. They have had too many far reaching influences in my life. Shaping ideas, and turning me away from now missed opportunities. Leading me down paths that I would have probably not taken as they were too hard. The simple acknowledgment of their space is all they ever desired. Long enough for my attention they have sought to then await their chance to dissolve away into the ether of the known. 

With affection I gesture towards each one separately and hear their tantrums. Their pleas for  love are what I find. Each one is embraced with the love that they seek. Satiety fulfilled, they are powerless having become drunk from the cup of love. With nothing to offer, and riddled with their cravings of attention,they are orphaned no more. They have been assimulated into the oneness of me. They cry no longer to be heard as their integration into my love is complete. Recognition of their separateness from me has hastened their return home once again, yet now they stay in harmony and not in agony. 

I am tortured no more by these orphans of mind, for they are now children of soul and I am the parent of my heart. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

A struggle

A struggle

Life can be a struggle. For you. For me. For us.The constant tug and pull of my actions and that of others wears me down. A fatigued mind can take only so much. The body is forced to limits that it may not be able to handle. The heart is shattered from the incessant grind. Why do I struggle? Because it makes me grow. It is an important and vital natural programming that requires our attention to enable our evolution as sentient beings. We instinctively survive yet we do not thrive. The continuous stress may give us no reprieve to recover.

It is in this fiery struggle that a quiet knowing emerges. A sacred contract created long ago between ourselves and our hearts as a reminder that in tougher times we maintain true to our higher knowing that we will pull through despite any adversity that we experience. It is the process of the  transformation that overwhelms us in all our dimensions. Compressed, torn apart, reshaped, reformed, the mighty struggle creates us a new. 

In this struggle I am  surprisingly  rewarded. I regain a voice to be heard. I emerge more complete than I once was. That which I fear the most must be absolved and felt. To each person the fear is different and yet manifests the same. The struggle lies within the pause in which I can either hide or shine. It is this spiritual sandbox  where our true nature and purpose begins to be unearthed and from the depth of our humanity a flower of our inner knowing and destiny begins to blossom. What is feared most in this pause is what I desire the most to become and so the struggle continues. How long I live within my comfort zone, and miss everything that I so desired has been painfully apparent. 

Sometimes the struggle may feel like looking outside the sealed window and seeing everything that I want right outside, yet unable to touch it. I may feel the banging and screaming against the window glass as the very hurt of my heart, longing to be heard and be free. Yet once accepting the barrier of the window, embracing the knowledge of self identity and the fears that held me back, the struggle subsides. And through this unfolding a door opens to the outside and goals and dreams are then clearly in plain view, reachable and manifest.

Your struggle is yours. Feel it, embrace it, own it. Only then you have the power to let it go on your terms and no one elses. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The unknown

The Unknown

Stomach churns, heart beat quickens, sweat crawls upon my forehead. The sickness of the ache of not knowing the next moment is painfully abundant in all of us. The fear and the anticipation is nail biting. The unsettling feeling of "not being in complete control" is a common place with most of us. The unsureness of the future strikes as emotional pain.

The raw tenderness within our hearts and the feelings and the emotions are the alchemical building blocks that will be used to sail through the waters of confusion and self doubt. The tipping point is the basis for change. That complete desire to want to undergo metamorphosis and yet with no real direction is the unknown. It is in embracing this "not knowing" with a leap you will find the footing to change your path. 

A caterpillar must completely digest itself and within the soup a new being is created. More beautiful than ever with delicate mesmerizing wings and with the ability to fly   the once caterpillar that is no more had to take the leap of faith that its consciousness will survive into its next form as it evolves. It too had no real knowing of the outcome yet it created a plan of self annihilation and self evolution and the  trust in nature.

It is in the intricate trust of the universal mind of intention that the future is brought into the now and the  past is skirted into a distant memory. It is in the utter demolition of the ego and mental psyche of control that the surrender of the heart is lifted with ease and grace. It is this very unknown that propels us forward and upward to a future far greater than the present. 

It is in the self digestion of my egoic mind that I find my disassembled heart begin its rebirth into a coherent manifestation of sublime reality. The present pain fades into a past distant memory, and the future is welcomed into the now with unconditional love and embrace, as the unknown transforms into the known. 

The unknown? who knows..