Thursday, June 30, 2016

Anger what?

Anger what?

Day in and day out, from moment to moment I find myself succumbing to the pangs of anger. Like waves in a tumultuous ocean, my emotions are just like yours. Up and down. Sometimes more up and sometimes more down. The roller coaster effect persists whenever dealing with stressful situations. This all culminates into a tidal force of anger. Negativity is the resultant splash that manifests when the wave has dragged me down. I often wonder how should I stay aloft and not keep diving deeper into this quagmire of emotions. 

So I practice meditation. This helps me tremendously in being the surfer on top of the wave of a rising emotion and not be part of the surf itself. From moment to moment observing the wave rise and fall instead of reacting to it. When that emotion of anger attempts to take hold I do not engage the force or feeling. I am not perfect. As you may note, I said I practice meditation. I have not mastered it !! 

Yet I wonder at times what would happen if all my anger dissolved and simply vanished? Well what then. How would I live my life not being bitter, or angry, or snapping back when irritated ( since I clearly won't be). Proponents of the idea that we are human with a wide range of human emotions and should experience all of them may disagree with my idea of dissolving anger. I agree with their point of view of experiencing the spectrum, yet I also am a proponent of the fact that it is my choice which end of the spectrum I choose to exist in. Life would be very different without anger. I would be more open to experiencing newer things without anger-raised fear. I would be more understanding of others and their concepts without a biased negative emotion leading to anger. I would be able to see things I never have seen before with non angering, non judgmental eyes and appreciate them. Those who believe that it is impossible to achieve this state of mind and being are more afraid that they will not succeed and some even more afraid that they will succeed, then what do they do. That uncertainty can be scary. Working through this fear and anger has it's own rewards. How do I know this? I have been there. I have experienced the fear and anger of the impossibility and the absurdity of letting go, and then the even more terrifying emotion of " I can let go " and succeed.   

Try letting go of your anger. Trying staying in the moment at first for even 5 seconds, then build it up. A world of tremendous beauty and light awaits you and me. What an absurd idea of a world polarized only by anger. Yet I look around me and I see just that. So I put into effect the opposite of what I see, into what I choose to see, basically a world becoming anger free. I see it clearly in everyone's heart. The potential to be greater than they are at this very moment.  I dare you to do the same. If you still do not believe me that people can be anger free, look into the face of a baby as you pick them up. Pure joy. No hate, no anger. They are still untouched by bias ness and madness of fears. Now compound this with hundreds, thousands, millions and billions of people. What a bright world we now live in. 

Anger dissolved? Maybe a little? Your world awaits you. Let's start right now. I will help you. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Spiritual enema..... Ingredients included

Spiritual Enema

So much anger, so much hate, so much negativity. I am constantly surrounded by these bombarding emotions that I too am able to fiercely generate the same. My whole being becomes tense and then physical manifestations of headaches, back aches, palpitations all come into reality. Others have told me about bowel habit changes, sleeping difficulties, eating compulsiveness and yet  again a whole variety of symptoms including chest pain and shortness of breath to name but a few to skim the surface of complaints. Medications are not always the answer. They may just suppress the symptoms or mask them entirely. Many a time the best cure is an all out detox. 

I am just as susceptible  to the energies of others as they are to me. Once fully saturated  with negativity it is quite hard to release and detoxify from these emotions and heavy energies. At times it takes a lot more than simply putting on a happy face and pretending that everything is fine and dandy. It requires a cathartic release. A spiritual enema if you will to totally cleanse the mind, spirit and consciousness. Once released daily cleansing is a useful maintenance practice to keep my self in sync and lighter and more able to handle my day. 

Meditation. Not an easy trick  but with practice gets as comfortable and convenient as brushing one's teeth....daily. 
The enema for the soul is built up of several ingredients. 
1) calming the mind... not a case of not letting things in, yet more not holding things back. Let ideas, thoughts, distractions and other tenants of the mind to exit gracefully. 
2) cleansing breaths. I do 3-5 breaths and allow with each breath a feeling of even more physical relaxation. 
3) Attention to my breath as it enters a nostril and exists through the nostril, allowing my focus to be at the center base of the nose. 
4) just being present and feeling  the moment. 

This enema is portable and can be performed anywhere, anytime. It is easier to do in a quiet place and undisturbed for a set given amount of time. It is prescribed by my Self to myself. I do not need to goto the local pharmacy to get it, yet if I so desire to learn about the practice there are plenty of spiritual retreats or even "you tube" videos of meditative practices that are useful to explore. NO fuss, no mess, just detox. 

I am always in need of a spiritual enema, yet thank fully with daily practice my need for the intense dosing gets less frequent and intense. Lighter, more energetic I go about my day, with less symptoms than I started. Back in sync. 

Have you had your spiritual enema today? Feeling lighter? 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Being a Walmart greeter

Welcome to Walmart

What is the first thing that you hear and see when you walk in to the Walmart stores? A friendly face greets you and says " Welcome to Walmart." That's it. When you leave the store, the same greeter says " Thank you for shopping at Walmart, have a nice day." Standard store policy or something more subliminal hidden in these words. I enjoy living in the world of subtlety. Words that have one meaning superficially and quite another if you dare to look deeper. Now imagine if you were a "Walmart greeter?" What words would you make your own when you meet someone, a total stranger ? 

There is a Walmart greeter within all of us. Surprised? Don't be. When I meet someone for the first time, whether it is a patient, or someone on the street passing by, I greet them the same. I maintain eye contact, smile and say hello. I have VERY rarely found that the greeting is not returned. Invariably I almost catch the person off guard, similar to when I walk into Walmart and am always astonished when I am greeted in this manner, yet always half expecting it. The greeter is almost always ignored. Yet looking at it from their perspective, one might say they are forced to say these words, or one might say they genuinely are greeting you. I prefer to live in the delusion that it is the latter, because the thought of a  disingenuous  greeter is just too repulsive of a thought. 

There is very deep seated feeling that awakens when one is greeted by another person. Almost as if to recognize another's humanity, or perhaps to acknowledge the other person's divinity. My face and words are the first thing that the stranger whom I greet are thrust with, so why not make it a pleasant experience. A handshake is just the next step to further that greeting making it more personal and bringing the experience into reality. If we are all truly connected as One  and our consciousness is a collective rather than divided then it only stands to reason that each of us are divided only in the physical. Ergo saying hello to another acknowledges yourSelf within that collective universal consciousness. I am as much a part of you as you are a part of me. What segregates us is our ego of mind into deluding us that there is a you and a me, and that I am "better" than you. And so problems begin. 

Taking the perspective one step further,  perhaps the "greeter" is really just another part of "Me" that I see that greets "me." The higher Self greeting the rest of myself as if to always acknowledge it's presence and for me to acknowledge it, kind of looking into a  mirror.  In any regard, the best version of me, with best step forward is a reasonable fun way to go through life. Staying in the moment of NOW keeps that greeting between me and anyone I dare to meet outside the confines of my house clear, friendly and genuine. I doubt that my being greeted at the entrance of the store pre-shopping makes me want to shop more, yet it definitely improves my overall experience at this behemoth international multiverse of a store as I am much calmer once I am disarmed by this simple "hello." The fact that I cannot find anything once in the store, is a whole different topic and a different level of my blood pressure that I can explore at a different discussion. I look forward to my "Walmart greeter" in the store as I do not know who it is going to be. Someone new or someone I have never met before. Yet I am very much looking forward to the next stranger or passerby who I can greet, and just for a few seconds acknowledge as our faces and words lock and call them my friend. As if to accept that we are together in the same illusionary struggle we call life, yet part of the same conscious fabric of existence. Probably never ever meet them again, we will go about our ways. However if we ever to meet on that same road once more, AH well at least the face is familiar !!

The Divine within Me greets the Divine within You: "Hello !"

Thursday, June 9, 2016

You have got mail

You have got mail 

Walk down the driveway, open the mailbox door and take out the freshly delivered mail. I am always enthusiastic about what surprise I will find. Only to be mostly disappointed with yet another piece of junk mail or yet another bill. I maintain that ever present feeling of expectation of something fun or personal. The other day I received a " Thank you" card from a dear friend. It was hand written. What a joy !! You are probably thinking that I have gone crazy, since you are wondering " Well he has email and texting and social media, I am sure he gets plenty of mail." Well you are absolutely right. I get plenty from every electronic avenue possible including faxes, texts, comments,  emails, pokes, e-messages. The list is numerous and invariably too time consuming to even keep up. One problem. It is all typed. No personal energy attached. When I write with an ink pen on paper, I transmit not just my thoughts and ideas but a part of my spiritual energy in the hand-writing process. Granted my penmanship has much to be desired, yet the transmission is what is lacking in my opinion. I am connected to everyone through electronic mediums yet I am disconnected from everyone due to the lack of energetic transmission. 

In my youth I would take great pride and pains to write letters to friends and family living abroad. Fresh smelling blank piece of white paper on which  anything was writable. A nice heavy nib fountain pen with dark ink to navigate my thoughts from the depths of my soul to match the blackness of the ink. Crisp folds. Insert in envelope. Lick the stamp. NEATLY write the address of the recipient. Off to the post office to mail it. Great pride, great joy, for both sender and receiver. A lot has become remiss with this dying art. The anticipation of the letter from a loved one was half the fun, the rest was opening it and the replying back. My father and his father had the habits of answering these hand written letters immediately. Correspondence was an art. I worry that my children may never know this art. The brevity of texts, the immediacy of emails, the spontaneous messaging have all replaced this art to connect us faster, yet not really connect us. Without the transmission of the energy behind the thought through literal penmanship, I believe we still remain disconnected. 

 There is something magical about the whole experience. Thoughts of self translated through the body into the physical with muscles of arm and hand into words with meaning and then  etched to paper with unique fingerprint penmanship is a process. The transmission of coherent energy that is then reversed when read by the receiver. Eyes see, the mind reads, the spirit acknowledges. With the art of writing a letter there was a delay of delivery, and so anticipation held the conversation in time and space. That romantic notion was dissolved with the near instantaneous delivery of electronic mails. The aggravation took over of " why did he not reply back just as fast !! " At times people do not even bother replying, just because they can do it fast they don't feel the compulsion to do so  . Or perhaps their inbox has just too many emails to reply back to and they are now overwhelmed. Connection without connection.

Children are taught to write letters to Santa. Namely an exhaustive list of things they believe they want, that their parents have to try to scramble and get. It is basically a " Dad This is what I want for christmas List.. now go get it" Yet from a child's perspective writing that letter is a sense of hope that is translated via their handwriting whether in ink or in crayon, yet their energy is put out there in a fearless and innocent manner. Perhaps Santa does read some of these letters. ( He does exist doesn't he? )

I look forward to writing letters the old fashioned way at times. Mostly to mySelf, who is always happy to receive a letter from me. Processing feelings and emotions from the chasms of my spirit are translated into handwriting and come out of ME and onto paper. Out of me is key. Because then they are truly out of me and more manageable. Mind,spirit, consciousness all conspiring together in an effort of moving forward and figuring out the past so it does not effect the future by shining light on it in the present. Some call it journaling. I prefer writing letters to me. It is a cathartic experience. So next time you feel that you can make the time to be present in the moment and wish to write a letter to friend, I would recommend not emailing it, yet instead reach for a piece of stationary, grab your favorite pen, a comfy chair, a firm table and jot down your message. "Dear......, How the heck are you?....."    See where this leads you. You may have to actually call them to find out their mailing address. ( don't email or text them the request, that would defeat the purpose ! ) Yet if that does happen explore the fun in hidden energy transmission in a conversation with sound. Perhaps that "friend" is a letter addressed to You, as you engage yourself in a conversation with yourSelf. 

Hope you have plenty of ink, lots of letters coming your way !!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

The dates in between

The Dates in between

1/27/1756 - 5/12/1791  Mozart
10/25/1881 -4/8/1973 Picasso
2/11/1847-10/18/1931 Edison

We are all born and we all will die. For most of us our birth is a great hurrah ! ( mostly for our parents) and the date of death is a mournful one to those we leave behind. I am  here for only a limited time. I know the date of my birth and perhaps on some deep spiritual level I also know the date of my expected departure. For some we remember their last date on the planet as perhaps it was associated with a catastrophic event or unexpected tragedy. Yet I wonder at times not so much of my own personal end date on this planet, yet moreover my time in between and how to spend it. If I knew the date I perhaps would make more of a conscious effort towards working harder, learning more, helping others, playing more, having a lot more fun, in other words being present in the moment. 

I find that the average person I meet on a regular  basis spends most of the time talking about the progression of their day with disdain or irreverence. Yet I do come across many who are genuinely happy about their day and life in general. My time here is limited, I have known this for a long time, yet it was not until the last few years I have been really making a more effort to live an on purpose life. I have always filled my life with infinite things to do, to read, to write, to learn, to explore, to try out, hobbies to keep me occupied. It was always a very focussed and target oriented existence. Nothing wrong with that. In fact many would say " Well man what more do you want ? That's like everything you could imagine." True, but not quite. Gaining mastery in numerous things is one thing, gaining mastery of myself is a whole other experience. 

Embracing  my purpose and  connecting to my true Self has given me the momentum to cherish my "now" and all the days that have yet to come with great vigor and enthusiasm. I am not afraid of the date of expiration on this body, yet like a fine wine I have a lot of aging and maturing to do before my cork is "popped" Then what I leave behind is a trail of refreshing breaths that will help to serve and not harm mankind. Each day can be filled with moments of connection. Enveloped with compassion I try to bring forth better experiences that will fill my dates in between with connected beads of love, understanding and hope on this amazing string of life. 

march 1975- present,  Nitin...
a life filled with experiencing every amazing thing, met with every spectacular person, every single divine time. 

Write your own little date of birth- present, name.... and a little note about how YOU choose to live your date in between.