Thursday, May 25, 2017



Another voice is silenced in the night as weapons of destruction echo in the distance. Every minute of every day another voice is hushed and a light is snuffed out. There is always a natural order of birth and death and then at other times the balance is tipped and expedited by the impatience and ignorance of others.  

My heart goes out to the victims of these atrocities, the latest one in the UK. Musical joy is compounded by the drumming of exploding bombs and the cacophony of terror as yet another night was chalked up to a nightmare and horror for all concerned. I am equally heart felt to the families of the victims as they are the unfortunate byproduct of an unbalanced equation as they hold the denseness of the loss in their days to come. Much as we despise the perpetrators of hate crimes, there is still an important role for them to play as they first must violate all sense of humanity within, as they rip their once beautiful spirits into shreds when they usher into their criminal act. This heinous act springs forth from the very separation of themselves from a conscious collective. Their hatred for themselves  is so intense that it is a hatred for others that is then manifest. There lies yet another victim. The perpetrator is not to be hated, or pitied, yet sympathized. 

How can you say such a thing? Surely the criminal is to be hung by their boot straps for the hurt they have caused. Sympathy and compassion is not to be mistaken for leniency or pardon, but in fact it strives to serve justice in accordance with law more swiftly. Fires are not fought with fires, yet with water. Flow. Fires are extinguished never to return when overpowered with flowing water. So too is the case made for overpowering pure hate with pure love. For any who doubt this, it is because the judgement is coming from self hate and the mindsets and not from  unconditional love. When your vibrational frequency is at its highest, then there is no separation from you, me, and universal source. 

As we begin our shifts to a deeper understanding of ourselves and letting go of the idea of separateness we dissolve our prejudices, hate, anger, biases and clearly feel and see a better world. A world within that is then created on the outside. Naive? Hardly. It is our place, nay,  it is our divine responsibility to awaken each other to their true form, true purpose, once we awaken ourselves.  Impossible to retrain haters. Impossible to change someone's point of view. Impossible to stamp out the evil doers. I have been surrounded by these post-its of reminders. 

Answers are simple. Haters can be retrained. I don't have to change anyone's viewpoint, I change my own. Evil doers are stamped out as they are shown a better future, and the seeds of compassion sown so long ago in everyone's heart as a child is tended to grow into trees of love. How do you change the world? I have been plagued by this machevalient  question. Yet the answer remains again so simple. I change myself, and others will change. The key in all this is to transform each other and the world BEFORE the crime can be manifest. 

Love is infectious. That's a disease worth catching. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017



We live in a world of a new language. The language of hashtags. Most of us are old enough to remember a world that existed before the advent of this form of communication.  Brief, abrupt and to the point. Punctuated by " # " and it immediately turns on our brain to communicate in this manner. Emotions, ideas, concepts, names are all linked without any flavor to the conversation. 

Imagine  I ask you " how are you doing?" 

 #happyascanbe (happy as can be)  
#havenotsleptindays  (have not slept in days) 

Versus by verbal or other written communication :
 I am feeling bored or frustrated because.....
I am happy as can be because....
I have not slept in days because...

When we take the time to connect we can converse either verbally or in written language. The former being more "flavored" and energetic in transmission and so a dialogue is conducted between two or more people. When we use abrupt #....  we are shortchanging much of our communication abilities to eventually minimize or even minimalize the subject matter that may have been so needed to be transmitted. 

Now take this one step further. When we infuse the language of love into a conversation, the flavor is changed exponentially. Verbally or written communication expands and time becomes more expansive during the conversation. The details are unfolded, and time is taken to explore. When we choose to transmit from our heart space and then voluntarily activate that heart center, our whole vocabulary of words surrounds our bodies to encompass arm motion, eye glances, mouth expressions. #alllostinhashtags (all lost in hash tags!!)

Technology may have sped up our ability to access, and communicate globally, and with the creation of "tech slangs" and tech logos made things easier, yet the quality of the communication leaves much to be learned and improved upon.


life begins in the heart and not after a hashtag. 

Spend more time wording your thoughts out, as that time is needed to infuse your important message into words from a space of a quieted mind and heart, even if it is a few more seconds. In conversation that could be a few minutes to hours but that means a lot more can be said, expressed, learned and communicated.

i love you

Thursday, May 11, 2017

My tribe

My tribe

This has been an interesting word for me for the last few years. I suspect for you too. Social media, and fast paced culture has created this segregated focus of populous wherein the members adhere to their fellow cohorts and name themselves as part and parcel of a "tribe". Artistic, social, professional or personal are many subset categories of what eventually forms a collection of like minded, or like spirited individuals who come together for a certain goal. Let's not forget that the concept orginated centuries and perhaps eons ago when humanity created similar pockets of other humans to survive. This was a sacred part of our history as we evolved. 

Since then till  now  it has  become more of  a fashion statement to belong to a tribe and use the influence of a few to alienate the many. We have gone from a deep bond of primal  connection to a superficial bond of social affluence. The stigmata of the new tribes are code words, tight circles, and exclusion of all that may not fit it. I bring this issue of tribal survival at a very critical time of our human existence. This is  a time of great shift both energetic and spiritual. The older ideas and definitions of "a tribe" are being dissolved and a new era of a tribe of One comes into existence. This is a tribe of unity and celebration of a collective consciousness. This is a time for individual tribes to come together, not remain apart. It is not in the separation that the tribes will survive but in the joining of hands. 

As part of our collective consciousness we are more in sync with each other's consciousness and in fact are not as alone as we may have believed with our limited mindsets. It is in this belief of separation that we keep our individuality locked within the tribe, and then the tribe  locked within itself instead of seeking out help and connection with other tribes. 

Let me assure you that the cosmos is infinitely vast and is infinitely older than we think and the tribe that we seek membership in is present. This tribe is our collective consciousness of humanity and that of  our planet. We do not need to apply to this tribe, for we already are part of it. We do not need to perform any special rites to be included as we have already been accepted into it. We do  not need to sacrifice anything to join except let go of our scared timelines that hold us back. The hierarchy of our spirits and from whence we came is known and is becoming more acknowledged by those who remain awake. Yet the tribe is still ever present, ever all inclusive and ready to support you and me. The only ticket needed to join is the acceptance of the love within your heart and that of others. 

Your tribe is connected to  your vibrational frequency and you to it. Raise your frequency to a higher tone. The tone of unconditional love. Your eon long wait to belong and to survive has arrived. The tribe and the collective consciousness awaits your uniqueness to enhance its  magnificence. The essence of humanity is the tribe of One. The future awaits the marvels that this immensely powerful group can do. No buzz words, no pass codes, no secret handshakes and no enormous fees to join. Just the transparency of the heart, and the willingness of the present moment to unfold in your own heart and that of others is the key to realizing your and my membership.

Your tribe is my vibe. The vibe of love.